1006 Microsoft« Age of Empires« II: The Conquerors Expansion\n⌐ & (p) %s Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\nThis program is protected by U.S. and international\ncopyright laws as described in About.
1011 http://www.microsoft.com/games/conquerors
1012 http://www.ensemblestudios.com
2008 You must insert the Age of Empires II: Conquerors Expansion CD to play a single-player game, and then restart.
2016 This beta copy of The Conquerors Expansion has expired.
2018 Could not initialize program. Age of Empires II not detected.
2019 The Conquerors Expansion detected corrupt files. Reinstall and try again.
2411 Out of sync detected...
2412 The game was stopped because your computer ran out of disk space.
2413 The game was stopped because player '%s' went out of sync (an error occurred). The game has been saved and exited for restoring.
2508 This campaign is not available in the Trial Version.
3033 The Monument has been captured. Hold it for %d years to win!
3034 The Monument has been captured. You will lose if it is held for %d years!
3035 Control of the Monument was lost!
3039 The reseed Farm queue is full.
3059 Game speed changed by %s.
3060 Game paused/unpaused by %s.
3069 The ram is full.
3083 Not enough room to unload the unit.
3109 You will lose if the Monument is not reclaimed in %d years.
3110 You changed diplomatic stance with %s to Neutral.
3111 You changed diplomatic stance with %s to Ally.
3112 You changed diplomatic stance with %s to Enemy.
3113 You paid %d gold in tribute to %s.
3114 You paid %d wood in tribute to %s.
3115 You paid %d food in tribute to %s.
3116 You paid %d stone in tribute to %s.
3117 Objectives have changed.
3118 %s mocks your puny achievements. Relic and Wonder victories now take longer!
3119 You must wait 15 seconds between chapters.
3120 You have %d pauses left.
3121 You have run out of pauses
3122 You must wait 5 seconds between snapshots.
3710 Click to attack this animal. Deer, wild boar, and javelina yield food (wolves and jaguars do not). Use several villagers to attack all animals except deer.
3729 Click to herd this animal to your Town Center or Mill for food.
3735 Click to garrison inside this ram.
3826 Click a unit to attack this animal. Villagers can hunt deer, wild boar, and javelina for food.
3829 Click a villager to gather food from this animal.
3910 Right-click to attack this animal. Deer, wild boar, and javelina yield food (wolves and jaguars do not). Use several villagers to attack all animals except deer.
3929 Right-click to herd this animal to your Town Center or Mill for food.
3935 Right-click to garrison inside this ram.
4146 Reseed Farm
4150 Ungarrison
4333 Last Man Standing
4710 F
4800 16
4801 King Alfonso
4802 King Sancho
4803 Catherine of Aragon
4804 King Ferdinand
4805 Pedro the Cruel
4806 Ramiro I of Aragon
4807 El Cid Campeador
4808 Count Berengeur
4809 Gonzalo de C≤doba
4810 King Charles VIII
4811 Ordono II of Le≤n
4812 King Ramiro of Le≤n
4813 Hernan CortΘz
4814 ┴lvarez de Toledo
4815 Queen Isabella
4816 Cardinal JimΘnez
4820 12
4821 Itzcoatl
4822 Montezuma
4823 Axayactl
4824 Tizoc
4825 Ahuitzotol
4826 Cuitlauac
4827 Cuauhtemoc
4828 Maxixca
4829 Acamapichtli
4830 Ahuitzotol
4831 Huitzilihuitl
4832 Chimalpopoca
4840 15
4841 Black Serpent
4842 Flint Sky God
4843 Bird Jaguar
4844 Lady Great Skull Zero
4845 King Stormy Sky
4846 Shield Jaguar II
4847 Curl Snout
4848 Eighteen Rabbit
4849 Smoke Imix God
4850 Great Jaguar Paw
4851 Smoking Squirrel
4852 Smoke Shell
4853 Smoke Monkey
4854 Smoking Frog
4855 Waterlily Jaguar
4860 9
4861 Attila the Hun
4862 Bleda the Hun
4863 Mundzuk the Hun
4864 Ruga the Hun
4865 Uldin the Hun
4866 Balamber the Hun
4867 Ellak the Hun
4868 Dengizk the Hun
4869 Ernak the Hun
4880 14
4881 Kwanggaeto the Great
4882 General Ulji Mun-tok
4883 General Kyebaek
4884 General Kim Yu-shin
4885 Admiral Chang Bo-ko
4886 General Taejoyoung
4887 Wang Kon
4888 General Kang Kam-chan
4889 Ch'oe Mu-son
4890 General Ch'oe Young
4891 Yi Song-kye
4892 Sejong the Great
4893 General Kwon Yul
4894 Admiral Yi Sun-shin
4913 <b>Chat<b> \nSend commands to allied computer players. In a multiplayer game, send typed messages or prerecorded taunts to other human players.
4946 <b>Reseed Farm<b> (<cost>) \nClick to add a Farm to the queue so that it is automatically replanted after it expires.
4950 <b>Ungarrison<b> \nUngarrison all units from this ram.
5293 Harald Hardraade
5409 Halberdier
5639 Alexander Nevski
5660 Petard
5661 Hussar
5663 Genitour
5665 Elite Genitour
5667 Jaguar Warrior
5669 Elite Jaguar Warrior
5671 Eagle Warrior
5673 Elite Eagle Warrior
5675 Tarkan
5677 Elite Tarkan
5679 Huskarl
5681 Elite Huskarl
5683 Plumed Archer
5685 Elite Plumed Archer
5687 Conquistador
5689 Elite Conquistador
5691 Missionary
5693 Jungle Tree
5694 Snow Pine Tree
5695 Attila the Hun
5697 Bleda the Hun
5699 Pope Leo I
5701 Scythian Wild Woman
5704 Sea Tower
5707 Sea Wall
5708 Sea Gate
5710 Iron Boar
5712 Jaguar
5714 Horse
5716 Macaw
5717 Statue
5718 Plant
5719 Sign
5720 Grave
5721 Head
5722 Javelina
5724 El Cid Campeador
5726 Monument
5727 War Wagon
5729 Elite War Wagon
5731 Turtle Ship
5732 Elite Turtle Ship
5733 Turkey
5735 Wild Horse
5737 Map Revealer
5738 King Sancho
5740 King Alfonso
5742 Imam
5744 Admiral Yi Sun-shin
5745 Nobunaga
5747 Henry V
5749 William the Conqueror
5751 ES Flag
5752 Scythian Scout
5753 Torch (Converting)
5756 Old Stone Head
5757 Roman Ruins
5759 Broken Cart
5760 Flower Bed
5761 Hay Stack
5763 Furious the Monkey Boy
5764 Stormy Dog
6409 Create Halberdier
6660 Create Petard
6661 Create Hussar
6667 Create Jaguar Warrior
6669 Create Elite Jaguar Warrior
6671 Create Eagle Warrior
6673 Create Elite Eagle Warrior
6675 Create Tarkan
6677 Create Elite Tarkan
6679 Create Huskarl
6681 Create Elite Huskarl
6683 Create Plumed Archer
6685 Create Elite Plumed Archer
6687 Create Conquistador
6689 Create Elite Conquistador
6691 Create Missionary
6704 Build Sea Tower
6707 Build Sea Wall
6708 Build Sea Gate
6727 Create War Wagon
6729 Create Elite War Wagon
6731 Create Turtle Ship
6732 Create Elite Turtle Ship
7059 Kataparuto
7140 Attack an Enemy Now
7141 Cease Creating Extra Villagers
7142 Create Extra Villagers
7143 Build a Navy
7144 Stop Building a Navy
7145 Wait for My Signal to Attack
7146 Build a Wonder
7147 Give Me Your Extra Resources
7148 What Age Are You In?
7317 Elite Conquistador
7318 Logistica
7324 Bearded Axe
7325 Supremacy
7409 Bloodlines
7410 Caravan
7411 Thumb Ring
7412 Heresy
7414 Halberdier
7415 Parthian Tactics
7416 Theocracy
7417 Hussar
7418 Elite Tarkan
7419 Yeomen
7420 El Dorado
7421 Furor Celtica
7422 Drill
7423 Mahouts
7424 Zealotry
7425 Artillery
7426 Crenellations
7427 Anarchy
7428 Atheism
7429 Garland Wars
7430 Plumed Archer
7431 Berserkergang
7432 Rocketry
7433 Elite Eagle Warrior
7434 Elite Jaguar Warrior
7435 Herbal Medicine
7436 Elite War Wagon
7437 Elite Turtle Ship
7438 Shinkichon
7439 Perfusion
7939 Ally
7940 Enemy
7941 Neutral
8059 Research Kataparuto (Trebuchets fire/pack faster)
8150 Research Bodkin Arrow (+1 attack/range for archers, galleys, Longboats, Castles, towers, +1 attack for Town Centers)
8151 Research Bracer (+1 attack/range for archers, galleys, Longboats, Castles, towers, +1 attack for Town Centers)
8172 Research Fletching (+1 attack/range for archers, galleys, Longboats, Castles, towers, +1 attack for Town Centers)
8317 Upgrade to Elite Conquistador
8318 Research Logistica (Cataphracts cause trample damage)
8324 Research Bearded Axe (+1 Throwing Axemen range)
8325 Research Supremacy (Villagers exceptional in combat)
8409 Research Bloodlines (+20 HP mounted units)
8410 Research Caravan (trade units move/generate gold 2X faster)
8411 Research Thumb Ring (archers 100% accurate, fire faster)
8412 Research Heresy (converted units die)
8414 Upgrade to Halberdier
8415 Research Parthian Tactics (+1/+2P Cavalry Archer armor)
8416 Research Theocracy (only one Monk in group must rest after a conversion)
8417 Upgrade to Hussar
8418 Upgrade to Elite Tarkan
8419 Research Yeomen (+1 foot archer range; +2 tower attack)
8420 Research El Dorado (+40 HP Eagle Warriors)
8421 Research Furor Celtica (+50% HP Siege Worskhop units)
8422 Research Drill (+50% speed Siege Workshop units)
8423 Research Mahouts (+30% speed War Elephants)
8424 Research Zealotry (+30 HP Camels, Mamelukes)
8425 Research Artillery (+2 range Bombard Towers, Bombard Cannons, Cannon Galleons)
8426 Research Crenellations (+3 range Castles; garrisoned infantry fire arrows)
8427 Research Anarchy (create Huskarls at Barracks)
8428 Research Atheism (+100 years Relic, Wonder games; Spies/Treason technology costs -50%)
8429 Research Garland Wars (+4 infantry attack)
8430 Upgrade to Elite Plumed Archer
8431 Research Berserkergang (Berserks regenerate faster)
8432 Research Rocketry (+2P Chu Ko Nu attack, +4P scorpion attack)
8433 Upgrade to Elite Eagle Warrior
8434 Upgrade to Elite Jaguar Warrior
8435 Research Herbal Medicine (garrisoned units heal 4X faster)
8436 Upgrade to Elite War Wagon
8437 Upgrade to Elite Turtle Ship
8438 Research Shinkichon (+2 range Mangonels, Onagers)
8439 Research Perfusion (Barracks work 50% faster)
9018 Saving chapter...
9222 The Conquerors Campaigns
9223 Saved and Recorded Games
9224 Age of Kings Campaigns
9226 Standard Game
9241 Microsoft« Age of Empires« II:\nThe Conquerors Expansion
9247 WARNING: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.\n\nThe names of companies, products, people, characters, events and/or data mentioned in Age of Empires II and Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion and their documentation are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
9250 Microsoft« Age of Empires« II:\nThe Conquerors Expansion Trial
9289 Save Chapter
9534 Friend or Foe Colors
9535 Insert your Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings CD,\nand then try again.
9536 Insert your Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion CD,\nand then try again.
9540 The MSN Gaming Zone is a free matchmaking service that you can use to find opponents 24 hours a day. \n\n To use the Zone, Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion closes, then starts your Internet browser, which will go to the Zone web site.
9694 %s is using a different version of the program.
9761 Wonder Race
9762 King of the Hill
9763 Defend the Wonder
9825 Last Man Standing: Win this game by destroying all enemy and ally villagers, military units, boats, and buildings. There can be only one winner.
9846 Regicide Game: Win this game by killing all enemy Kings.
9867 King of the Hill: Capture the central Monument and defend it until the countdown ends. If all units defending the Monument are killed, then someone else can control the Monument.
9868 Wonder Race: Build the first wonder to win. Everyone is on the same team in this one, so don't bother with military.
9869 Defend the Wonder: Player 1 has a Wonder. His team must defend it while the other team tries to knock it down.
9956 Commands
10244 Spanish
10245 Aztecs
10246 Mayans
10247 Huns
10248 Koreans
10265 Pop Limit
10574 Damage Object
10575 Place Foundation
10576 Change Object Name
10577 Change Object HP
10578 Change Object Attack
10579 Stop Unit
10624 Water, Shallow
10629 Water, Deep
10644 Water, Medium
10645 Road
10646 Road, Broken
10657 Random Map location
10664 Jungle
10665 Snow Pine Forest
10666 Snow
10667 Snow Grass
10668 Snow Dirt
10669 Ice
10677 Road, Snow
10678 Road, Fungus
10783 Standard
10811 Scout
10891 Scandinavia
10892 Mongolia
10893 Salt Marsh
10894 Yucatan
10895 Arena
10896 King of the Hill
10897 Oasis
10898 Ghost Lake
10899 Random Land Map
10901 Nomad
10913 Scouts
11219 Standard
11242 Campaigns
11243 The Conquerors Campaigns
11303 Monument %d Years
12122 <Enemy>
12123 <All>
13510 Game
13511 Location
13512 Size
13543 Real World
13544 Iberia
13545 Britain
13546 Mideast
13547 Texas
13548 Italy
13549 Central America
13550 France
13551 Norse Lands
13552 Sea of Japan (East Sea)
13553 Byzantium
13560 Map Style
13561 Standard
13562 Custom
14409 Halberdier
14660 Petard
14661 Hussar
14667 Jaguar Warrior
14669 Elite \n Jaguar Warrior
14671 Eagle \n Warrior
14673 Elite Eagle \n Warrior
14675 Tarkan
14677 Elite \n Tarkan
14679 Huskarl
14681 Elite \n Huskarl
14683 Plumed Archer
14685 Elite \n Plumed Archer
14687 Conquistador
14689 Elite \n Conquistador
14691 Missionary
14704 Sea\nTower
14707 Sea\nWall
14708 Sea\nGate
14727 War Wagon
14729 Elite\nWar Wagon
14731 Turtle Ship
14732 Elite\nTurtle Ship
16106 G
16660 P
16667 T
16671 G
16679 R
16691 S
16731 S
16959 Not Used 99999
17059 Kataparuto
17317 Elite\nConquistador
17318 Logistica
17324 Bearded Axe
17325 Supremacy
17409 Bloodlines
17410 Caravan
17411 Thumb\nRing
17412 Heresy
17414 Halberdier
17415 Parthian\nTactics
17416 Theocracy
17417 Hussar
17418 Elite\nTarkan
17419 Yeomen
17420 El Dorado
17421 Furor\nCeltica
17422 Drill
17423 Mahouts
17424 Zealotry
17425 Artillery
17426 Crenellations
17427 Anarchy
17428 Atheism
17429 Garland\nWars
17430 Elite\nPlumed Archer
17431 Berserkergang
17432 Rocketry
17433 Elite\nEagle Warrior
17434 Elite\nJaguar Warrior
17435 Herbal\nMedicine
17436 Elite\nWar Wagon
17437 Elite\nTurtle Ship
17438 Shinkichon
17439 Perfusion
19034 Spearman, Pikeman, Halberdier
19060 Scout Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Hussar
19069 Petard
19070 Eagle Warrior, Elite Eagle Warrior
19071 Missionary
19072 Turtle Ship, Elite Turtle Ship
19073 Huskarl
19074 Reseed Farm
19326 Return to Previous View
19327 Toggle Friend or Foe Colors
19328 Save Chapter
19734 Are you sure you want to set the hotkeys to default?
20017 Mill
20150 <b>Britons<b> \nFoot archer civilization \n\n╖ Town Centers cost -50% wood in Castle Age \n╖ Foot archers (except skirmishers) have \n +1 range Castle Age, +1 range \n Imperial Age (for +2 total)\n╖ Shepherds work 25% faster \n\n<b>Unique Unit:<b> Longbowman (archer) \n\n<b>Unique Technology:<b> Yeomen (+1 foot archer range; +2 tower attack) \n\n<b>Team Bonus:<b> Archery Ranges work 20% faster
24573 <b>Previous Chapter<b> \nSkip to the previous chapter.
24574 <b>Next Chapter<b> \nSkip to the next chapter.
26068 Create <b> Knight<b> (<cost>) \nFast and heavy cavalry. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points, to Cavalier 300F, 300G (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26070 Create <b> Cavalier<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Knight. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points, to Paladin 1300F, 750G (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26078 Create <b> Spearman<b> (<cost>) \nMedium infantry. Attack bonus vs. cavalry, especially War Elephants. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed, to Pikeman 215F, 90G (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26079 Create <b> Militia<b> (<cost>) \nBasic infantry swordsman. Quick and cheap to create. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed, to Man-at-Arms 100F, 40G (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26080 Create <b> Man-at-Arms<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Militia. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed, to Long Swordsman 200F, 65G (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26081 Create <b> Long Swordsman<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Man-at-Arms. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed, to Two-Handed Swordsman 300F, 100G (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26083 Create <b> Archer<b> (<cost>) \nQuick and light. Weak at close range; excels at battle from distance. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); accuracy, to Crossbowman 125F, 75G (Archery Range); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26084 Create <b> Crossbowman<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Archer. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); accuracy, to Arbalest 350F, 300G (Archery Range); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26085 Create <b> Cavalry Archer<b> (<cost>) \nFast, with ranged attack. Ideal for hit-and-run attacks. <i> Upgrades: speed, hit points (Stable); attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); accuracy, armor, to Heavy Cavalry Archer 900F, 500G (Archery Range); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26086 Create <b> Hand Cannoneer<b> (<cost>) \nPowerful close attack; inaccurate at range. Attack bonus vs. infantry. Keeps non-ranged units (like cavalry) from closing on other units. Like archers, weak vs. nearby non-ranged units. <i> Upgrades: armor (Blacksmith); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26087 Create <b> Elite Skirmisher<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Skirmisher. Attack bonus vs. archers. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26088 Create <b> Skirmisher<b> (<cost>) \nRanged unit equipped with armor vs. archer attacks. Attack bonus vs. archer. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); to Elite Skirmisher 250W, 160G (Archery Range); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26089 Build <b> Trade Cog<b> (<cost>) \nUsed to trade with other players by sea. Carries goods from your Dock to another player's Dock and brings back gold. The farther the Dock, the higher your profit. To trade, click the Trade Cog, then right-click an allied or neutral Dock. <i> Upgrades: generate more gold (Market); armor, cost (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26093 Build <b> Bombard Cannon<b> (<cost>) \nPowerful mobile anti-building siege weapon. Attack bonus vs. buildings, ships. Can be used vs. units but excels vs. structures. Weak vs. close nonranged units. <i> Upgrades: attack, range (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26094 Build <b> Battering Ram<b> (<cost>) \nSlow, lumbering siege weapon used to reduce enemy towns to ruins. Attack bonus vs. buildings; resistant to archer attack. Infantry and foot archers can garrison inside for protection. Garrisoned infantry and pikemen increase speed and attack vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack (University); to Capped Ram 300F, 250G (Siege Workshop); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26096 Build <b> Scorpion<b> (<cost>) \nLight artillery that fires large arrowlike bolts. Effective vs. large masses because shot damages multiple units. Weak vs. nearby units. <i> Upgrades: range, attack (University); to Heavy Scorpion 1000F, 1100W (Siege Workshop); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26099 Create <b> Monk<b> (<cost>) \nSlow and weak. Converts enemy units, ships to your civilization (player color). Heals wounded villagers, military units (except siege weapons). Strong vs. slow, nonranged units, such as infantry. Weak vs. fast, ranged units, such as archers. <i> Upgrades: at Monastery.<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26100 Build <b> Trade Cart<b> (<cost>) \nUsed to trade with other players by land. Carries goods from your Market to another player's Market and brings back gold. The farther the Market, the higher your profit. To trade, click the Trade Cart, then right-click an allied or neutral Market. <i> Upgrades: generate more gold (Market); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26101 Create <b> Cataphract<b> (<cost>) \nByzantine unique unit. Heavily armored cavalry. Attack bonus vs. infantry. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); creation speed, to Elite Cataphract 1600F, 800G (Castle); more resistant to Monks.<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26102 Create <b> Chu Ko Nu<b> (<cost>) \nChinese unique unit. Archer with mediocre range. Fires large number of arrows very quickly. <i> Upgrades: attack, range (Blacksmith); accuracy (Archery Range); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed, to Elite Chu Ko Nu 760F, 760G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26103 Create <b> Mameluke<b> (<cost>) \nSaracen unique unit. Camel with hand-to-hand attack at distance. Excels vs. other mounted units. Attack bonus vs. cavalry. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed (Stable); creation speed, to Elite Mameluke 600F, 500G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26104 Create <b> Huskarl<b> (<cost>) \nGothic unique unit. Infantry with substantial pierce armor; virtually immune to archer fire. Attack bonus vs. buildings, archers. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed, to Elite Huskarl 1200F, 550G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26105 Create <b> Janissary<b> (<cost>) \nTurkish unique unit. Hand Cannoneer with longer range and no minimum range. Powerful close attack, but inaccurate at range.<i> Upgrades: armor (Blacksmith); creation speed, to Elite Janissary 850F, 750G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26106 Build <b> Longboat<b> (<cost>) \nViking unique unit. Fires multiple arrows. <i> Upgrades: armor, cost, speed, to Elite Longboat 750F, 475G (Dock); attack, range (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26107 Create <b> Longbowman<b> (<cost>) \nBritish unique unit. Powerful archer with long range. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed, to Elite Longbowman 850F, 850G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26108 Create <b> Mangudai<b> (<cost>) \nMongol unique unit. Cavalry archer with attack bonus vs. siege weapons. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); accuracy, armor (Archery Range); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed, to Elite Mangudai 1100F, 675G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26109 Create <b> War Elephant<b> (<cost>) \nPersian unique unit. Slow, powerful, strong, and well-armored cavalry. Attack bonus vs. buildings. Strong vs. anything nearby. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed (Stable); creation speed, to Elite War Elephant 1600F, 1200G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26110 Create <b> Samurai<b> (<cost>) \nJapanese unique unit. Infantry with fast attack. Attack bonus vs. other unique units, buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed, to Elite Samurai 950F, 875G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26111 Create <b> Throwing Axeman<b> (<cost>) \nFrankish unique unit. Infantry with ranged attack. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed, to Elite Throwing Axeman 1000F, 850G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26112 Create <b> Teutonic Knight<b> (<cost>) \nTeutonic unique unit. Infantry with effective armor and slow but powerful attack. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed, to Elite Teutonic Knight 1200F, 600G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26113 Create <b> Woad Raider<b> (<cost>) \nCeltic unique unit. Exceptionally quick infantry. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed, to Elite Woad Raider 1000F, 800G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26164 Build <b> Town Center<b> (<cost>) \nUsed to create villagers, deposit resources (food, wood, stone, gold), advance to next age, and improve buildings, villagers. Units can garrison inside for protection. Cannot be converted by enemy Monks. <i> Upgrades: line of sight (Town Center); hit points, armor, accuracy (University); attack (Blacksmith).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26169 Build <b> Siege Workshop<b> (<cost>) \nUsed to build siege weapons. <i> Upgrades: line of sight (Town Center); hit points, armor (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26185 Build <b> Gate<b> (<cost>) \nCan be built into existing walls. You or your allies can manually open and close this Gate. <i> Upgrades: line of sight (Town Center); hit points, armor. Researching Fortified Wall (University) increases gate hit points.<i> \n<hp>
26204 Build <b> Fortified Wall<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Stone Wall. Difficult to breach without siege weapons. Upgrading Fortified Walls also increases the hit points of your Gates. <i> Upgrades: line of sight (Town Center); hit points, armor (University).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26287 Build <b> Cannon Galleon<b> (<cost>) \nLong-range warship used to attack targets on shore to establish beachhead. Fires slowly, with minimum range. Attack bonus vs. buildings. Must first research for 400F, 500W. <i> Upgrades: armor, cost, speed, to Elite Cannon Galleon 525W, 500G (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26289 Build <b> Capped Ram<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Battering Ram. Attack bonus vs. buildings; resistant to archer attack. Infantry and foot archers can garrison inside for protection. Garrisoned infantry and pikemen increase speed and attack vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack (University); to Siege Ram 1000F, 800G (Siege Workshop); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26309 Build <b> Galleon<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than War Galley. <i> Upgrades: armor, cost, speed (Dock); attack, range (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26326 Create <b> Scout Cavalry<b> (<cost>) \nFast with extensive line of sight. Resistant to conversion. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); speed, to Light Cavalry 150F, 50G (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26381 Build <b> Trebuchet<b> (<cost>) \nPowerful siege weapon used to destroy buildings, walls from long distance. Cannot fire on close units. Must be packed to move, unpacked to attack. Can cut paths through forests. Attack bonus vs. buildings, ships. Weak vs. close nonranged units. <i> Upgrades: attack, range (University); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26408 Create <b> Pikeman<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Spearman. Attack bonus vs. cavalry, especially War Elephants. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed, to Halberdier 300F, 600G (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26409 Create <b> Halberdier<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Pikeman. Attack bonus vs. mounted units and War Elephants. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26411 Create <b> Two-Handed Swordsman<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Long Swordsman. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed, to Champion 750F, 350G (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26412 Create <b> Heavy Cavalry Archer<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Cavalry Archer. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); accuracy, armor (Archery Range); attack, accuracy (University); speed, hit points (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26416 Create <b> Camel<b> (<cost>) \nExcels at killing other mounted units. Attack bonus vs. cavalry. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, to Heavy Camel 325F, 360G (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26417 Create <b> Heavy Camel<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Camel. Attack bonus vs. cavalry. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26424 Build <b> Demolition Ship<b> (<cost>) \nFilled with explosives. Self-destructs when used. Pilot near enemy ships and detonate to wrest control of the sea from an entrenched opponent. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost, to Heavy Demolition Ship 200W, 300G (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26425 Build <b> Heavy Demolition Ship<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Demolition Ship. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26426 Build <b> Fire Ship<b> (<cost>) \nSpews fire at other ships. Good at sinking galleys. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost, to Fast Fire Ship 280W, 250G (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26429 Build <b> Fast Fire Ship<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Fire Ship. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26436 Build <b> Galley<b> (<cost>) \nSmall, fast ship with weak attack. Used to scout the water and for early attacks on enemy fishing fleets. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost, to War Galley 230F, 100G (Dock); attack, range (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26439 Build <b> Heavy Scorpion<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Scorpion. <i> Upgrades: attack, range (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26443 Build <b> Transport Ship<b> (<cost>) \nUsed to move your units across water. Select the units you want to transport, then board them on the Transport Ship. Use the Unload button to unload units when it approaches shore. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost, capacity (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26444 Create <b> Light Cavalry<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Scout Cavalry. Fast with extensive line of sight; resistant to conversion, archers, towers. Strong vs. Monks, archers, cavalry archers. Weak vs. infantry, knights. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points, to Hussar 500F, 600G (Stable); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26446 Build <b> Siege Ram<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Capped Ram. Attack bonus vs. buildings; resistant to archer attack. Infantry and foot archers can garrison inside for protection. Garrisoned infantry and pikemen increase speed and attack vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26448 Build <b> Onager<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Mangonel. Area of effect attack. Can attack ground. <i> Upgrades: attack, range (University); to Siege Onager 1450F, 1000G (Siege Workshop); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26451 Create <b> Elite Cataphract<b> (<cost>) \nByzantine unique unit. Stronger than Cataphract. Attack bonus vs. infantry. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26452 Create <b> Elite Chu Ko Nu<b> (<cost>) \nChinese unique unit. Stronger than Chu Ko Nu. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); accuracy (Archery Range); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26453 Create <b> Elite Mameluke<b> (<cost>) \nSaracen unique unit. Stronger than Mameluke. Attack bonus vs. cavalry. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26454 Create <b> Elite Huskarl<b> (<cost>) \nGothic unique unit. Stronger than Huskarl. Attack bonus vs. buildings, archers. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26455 Create <b> Elite Janissary<b> (<cost>) \nTurkish unique unit. Stronger than Janissary. <i> Upgrades: armor (Blacksmith); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26456 Create <b> Elite Longbowman<b> (<cost>) \nBritish unique unit. Stronger than Longbowman. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26457 Build <b> Elite Longboat<b> (<cost>) \nViking unique unit. Stronger than Longboat. Fires multiple arrows. Strong vs. demolition ships, cannon galleons. Weak vs. fire ships, Bombard Cannons. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost (Dock); attack, range (Blacksmith); attack, accuracy (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26458 Create <b> Elite Mangudai<b> (<cost>) \nMongol unique unit. Stronger than Mangudai. Attack bonus vs. siege weapons. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); accuracy, armor (Archery Range); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26459 Create <b> Elite War Elephant<b> (<cost>) \nPersian unique unit. Stronger than War Elephant. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26460 Create <b> Elite Samurai<b> (<cost>) \nJapanese unique unit. Stronger than Samurai. Attack bonus vs. other unique units, buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26461 Create <b> Elite Throwing Axeman<b> (<cost>) \nFrankish unique unit. Stronger than Throwing Axeman. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26462 Create <b> Elite Teutonic Knight<b> (<cost>) \nTeutonic unique unit. Stronger than Teutonic Knight. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26463 Create <b> Elite Woad Raider<b> (<cost>) \nCeltic unique unit. Stronger than Woad Raider. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26464 Build <b> Lumber Camp<b> (<cost>) \nUsed to deposit wood and research wood-gathering improvements. Build near forests to gather wood faster. <i> Upgrades: line of sight (Town Center); hit points, armor (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26469 Create <b> Champion<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Two-Handed Swordsman. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26471 Create <b> Paladin<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Cavalier. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26487 Build <b> Mining Camp<b> (<cost>) \nUsed to deposit stone and gold and research stone-mining and gold-mining improvements. Build near stone or gold mines to gather these resources faster. <i> Upgrades: line of sight (Town Center); hit points, armor (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26493 Build <b> Siege Onager<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Onager. Area of effect attack. Can attack ground. <i> Upgrades: attack, range (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26495 Build <b> Fish Trap<b> (<cost>) \nA renewable source of food. Similar to a Farm, but in water. Provides a limited amount of food before it collapses and must be rebuilt. Cannot be converted by enemy Monks. <i> Upgrades: line of sight (Town Center); hit points (University).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26504 Build <b> Outpost<b> (<cost>) \nA stationary watch point that provides advance warning of nearby enemy activity. Unlike other towers, Outposts do not attack or let you garrison units inside. <i> Upgrades: line of sight (Town Center); hit points, armor (University); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26573 Build <b> Elite Cannon Galleon<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Cannon Galleon. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26574 Create <b> Berserk<b> (<cost>) \nViking unique unit. Infantry that slowly heals itself. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed, to Elite Berserk 1300F, 550G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26576 Create <b> Elite Berserk<b> (<cost>) \nViking unique unit. Stronger than Berserk. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26660 Create <b> Petard<b> (<cost>) \nDemolition infantry unit armed with explosives. Devastating vs. buildings, ineffective vs. other units. Self-destructs when used. <i> Upgrades: attack (University); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26661 Create <b> Hussar<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Light Cavalry. Fast with extensive line of sight; resistant to conversion, archers, towers. Attack bonus vs. Monks. Weak vs. infantry, knights, camels. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26667 Create <b> Jaguar Warrior<b> (<cost>) \nAztec unique unit. Attack bonus vs. other infantry. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed, to Elite Jaguar Warrior 1000F, 500G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26669 Create <b> Elite Jaguar Warrior<b> (<cost>) \nAztec unique unit. Stronger than Jaguar Warrior. Attack bonus vs. other infantry. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26671 Create <b> Eagle Warrior<b> (<cost>) \nFast infantry with extensive sight; resists conversion; attack bonus vs. Monks. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed, to Elite Eagle Warrior 800F, 500G (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26673 Create <b> Elite Eagle Warrior<b> (<cost>) \nStronger than Eagle Warrior. Infantry with extensive sight; resists conversion; attack bonus vs. Monks. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26675 Create <b> Tarkan<b> (<cost>) \nHun unique unit. Cavalry with attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); creation speed, to Elite Tarkan 1000F, 500G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26677 Create <b> Elite Tarkan<b> (<cost>) \nHun unique unit. Stronger than Tarkan. Cavalry with attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26679 Create <b> Huskarl<b> (<cost>) \nGothic unique unit. Infantry with substantial pierce armor; virtually immune to archer fire. Attack bonus vs. buildings, archers. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed, to Elite Huskarl 1200F, 550G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26681 Create <b> Elite Huskarl<b> (<cost>) \nGothic unique unit. Stronger than Huskarl. Attack bonus vs. buildings, archers. <i> Upgrades: attack, armor (Blacksmith); line of sight, speed (Barracks); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26683 Create <b> Plumed Archer<b> (<cost>) \nMayan unique unit. Strong, fast, well-armored archer with less attack than other archers. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); accuracy (Archery Range); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed, to Elite Plumed Archer 500F, 1000W (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26685 Create <b> Elite Plumed Archer<b> (<cost>) \nMayan unique unit. Stronger than Plumed Archer. Strong, fast, well-armored archer with less attack than other archers. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); accuracy (Archery Range); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26687 Create <b> Conquistador<b> (<cost>) \nSpanish unique unit. Mounted Hand Cannoneer. Powerful close attack, but inaccurate at range.<i> Upgrades: armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); creation speed, to Elite Conquistador 1200F, 600G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26689 Create <b> Elite Conquistador<b> (<cost>) \nSpanish unique unit. Stronger than Conquistador. Mounted Hand Cannoneer. Powerful close attack, but inaccurate at range.<i> Upgrades: armor (Blacksmith); speed, hit points (Stable); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26691 Create <b> Missionary<b> (<cost>) \n Spanish unique unit. Mounted Monk. Faster than Monk but with less sight and range. Converts enemy units and heals friendly units like Monks, but cannot pick up Relics. Strong vs. slow, nonranged units. Weak vs. ranged or fast units. <i> Upgrades: at Monastery.<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26704 Build <b> Sea Tower<b> (<cost>) \nAutomatically attacks enemy units and buildings within range.\n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26727 Create <b> War Wagon<b> (<cost>) \nKorean unique unit. Heavily armored horse-drawn archery unit. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); speed (Stable); accuracy (Archery Range); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed, to Elite War Wagon 1000W, 800G (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26729 Create <b> Elite War Wagon<b> (<cost>) \nKorean unique unit. Heavily armored horse-drawn archery unit. <i> Upgrades: attack, range, armor (Blacksmith); speed (Stable); accuracy (Archery Range); attack, accuracy (University); creation speed (Castle); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26731 Build <b> Turtle Ship<b> (<cost>) \nKorean unique unit. Slow, ironclad battleship used to destroy other ships at close range. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost, to Elite Turtle Ship 1000F, 800G (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26732 Build <b> Elite Turtle Ship<b> (<cost>) \nKorean unique unit. Stronger than Turtle Ship. Slow, ironclad battleship used to destroy other ships at close range. <i> Upgrades: armor, speed, cost (Dock); more resistant to Monks (Monastery).<i> \n<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
28047 Research <b>Chemistry<b> (<cost>) \nMissile units (except gunpowder units) have +1 attack strength.<b><i> Required for\ngunpowder units (Hand Cannoneer, Cannon Galleon, Bombard Cannon,\nBombard Tower).<b><i>
28059 Research <b>Kataparuto<b> (<cost>) \n Trebuchets fire and pack/unpack faster.
28150 Research <b>Bodkin Arrow<b> (<cost>) \nArchers, cavalry archers, galleys, Viking Longboats, Castles, and towers have +1 attack and +1 range. Town Centers have +1 attack.
28151 Research <b>Bracer<b> (<cost>) \nArchers, cavalry archers, galleys, Viking Longboats, Castles, and towers have +1 attack and +1 range. Town Centers have +1 attack.
28163 Upgrade to <b>Fortified Wall<b> (<cost>) \nUpgrades your Stone Walls and lets you build Fortified Walls, which are stronger and harder to breach. Also increases the hit points of your Gates, which makes them harder to destroy.
28172 Research <b>Fletching<b> (<cost>) \nArchers, cavalry archers, galleys, Viking Longboats, Castles, and towers have +1 attack and +1 range. Town Centers have +1 attack.
28317 Upgrade to <b>Elite Conquistador<b> (<cost>) \n Upgrades your Conquistadors and lets you create Elite Conquistadors, which are stronger.
28318 Research <b>Logistica<b> (<cost>) \n Cataphracts cause trample damage.
28324 Research <b>Bearded Axe<b> (<cost>) \n Throwing Axemen have +1 range.
28325 Research <b>Supremacy<b> (<cost>) \n Villagers have exceptional combat abilities.
28378 Research <b>Siege Engineers<b> (<cost>) \nSiege weapons have +1 range (except rams) and cause 20% more damage to buildings (40% more for Petards).
28409 Research <b>Bloodlines<b> (<cost>) \n Mounted units have +20 hit points.
28410 Research <b>Caravan<b> (<cost>) \n Trade Carts and Trade Cogs move 2X faster (so gold accumulates faster).
28411 Research <b>Thumb Ring<b> (<cost>) \n Archers fire faster and with 100% accuracy.
28412 Research <b>Heresy<b> (<cost>) \n Units converted by an enemy Monk (or Missionary) die instead of changing to the enemy's color.
28414 Upgrade to <b>Halberdier<b> (<cost>) Upgrades your Pikemen and lets you create Halberdiers, which are stronger.
28415 Research <b>Parthian Tactics<b> (<cost>) \n Cavalry Archers have +1 normal/+2 pierce armor.
28416 Research <b>Theocracy<b> (<cost>) \n If a group of Monks converts an enemy unit, only one of the Monks must rest afterward.
28417 Upgrade to <b>Hussar<b> (<cost>) \n Upgrades your Light Cavalry and lets you create Hussars, which are stronger.
28418 Upgrade to <b>Elite Tarkan<b> (<cost>) \n Upgrades your Tarkans and lets you create Elite Tarkans, which are stronger.
28419 Research <b>Yeomen<b> (<cost>) \n Foot archers have +1 range; towers have +2 attack.
28420 Research <b>El Dorado<b> (<cost>) \n Eagle Warriors have +40 hit points.
28421 Research <b>Furor Celtica<b> (<cost>) \n Siege Workshop units have +50% hit points.
28422 Research <b>Drill<b> (<cost>) \n Siege Workshop units move 50% faster.
28423 Research <b>Mahouts<b> (<cost>) \n War Elephants move 30% faster.
28424 Research <b>Zealotry<b> (<cost>) \n Camels and Mamelukes have +30 hit points.
28425 Research <b>Artillery<b> (<cost>) \n Bombard Towers, Bombard Cannons, and Cannon Galleons have +2 range.
28426 Research <b>Crenellations<b> (<cost>) \n Castles have +3 range; garrisoned infantry fire arrows.
28427 Research <b>Anarchy<b> (<cost>) \n Allows Huskarls to be created at the Barracks.
28428 Research <b>Atheism<b> (<cost>) \n Relic and Wonder victories take +100 years to complete; researching the Spies/Treason technology costs 50% less.
28429 Research <b>Garland Wars<b> (<cost>) \n Infantry have +4 attack.
28430 Upgrade to <b>Elite Plumed Archer<b> (<cost>) \n Upgrades your Plumed Archers and lets you create Elite Plumed Archers, which are stronger.
28431 Research <b>Berserkergang<b> (<cost>) \n Berserks regenerate faster.
28432 Research <b>Rocketry<b> (<cost>) \n Chu Ko Nu have +2 piercing attack; scorpions have +4 piercing attack.
28433 Upgrade to <b>Elite Eagle Warrior<b> (<cost>) \n Upgrades your Eagle Warriors and lets you create Elite Eagle Warriors, which are stronger.
28434 Upgrade to <b>Elite Jaguar Warrior<b> (<cost>) \n Upgrades your Jaguar Warriors and lets you create Elite Jaguar Warriors, which are stronger.
28435 Research <b>Herbal Medicine<b> (<cost>) \n Units garrisoned in buildings heal 4X faster.
28436 Upgrade to <b>Elite War Wagon<b> (<cost>) \nUpgrades your War Wagons and lets you create Elite War Wagons, which are stronger.
28437 Upgrade to <b>Elite Turtle Ship<b> (<cost>) \nUpgrades your Turtle Ships and lets you create Elite Turtle Ships, which are stronger.
28438 Research <b>Shinkichon<b> (<cost>) \n Mangonels, Onagers, and Siege Onagers have +2 range.
28439 Research <b>Perfusion<b> (<cost>) \n Barracks units are created 50% faster.
30110 Arabia - Arid desert with strategic elevations and cliffs, but sparse vegetation and water.
30111 Arena - The walls around your forest clearing are your only protection from the carnage in the middle.
30112 Archipelago - A group of large islands. You might not be the only inhabitant on yours.
30113 Baltic - An ocean with peninsulas and sheltered bays.
30114 Black Forest - Islands of grass in a sea of trees. Follow the paths through the forest to find your allies and enemies.
30115 Coastal - Where the land meets the ocean, with plenty of water and a large landmass for battles by land or by sea.
30116 Continental - A large body of land surrounded by the sea; rivers may separate players and teams.
30117 Crater Lake - An island brimming with gold in the center of a caldera lake. Steep elevation and lack of trees make it hard to build there.
30118 Fortress - A walled city with gates and all the buildings you need to build up your forces quickly.
30119 Ghost Lake - The central lake is frozen over, creating a no-man's land.
30120 Gold Rush - A whole heap of gold and a few wolves in the middle of a desert.
30121 Highland - Far from the ocean and heavily forested but with plenty of rivers and open space for maneuvers.
30122 Islands - Each player starts alone on an island; uninhabited islands may be rich with resources so be prepared to rule the sea.
30123 Mediterranean - An inland sea surrounded by land; sounds deceptively peaceful.
30124 Migration - A tiny island that can't support you for long before you must move to the mainland, where the fighting is fierce.
30125 Mongolia - Cliffs abound on these parched and endless steppes.
30126 Nomad - Your villagers begin scattered without a Town Center or Scout Cavalry. Will you build a town immediately or struggle to find the perfect location to settle?
30127 Oasis - Nearly all of the wood is in the center of the map, so prepare to be chased around and around.
30128 Rivers - Players are isolated by narrow rivers; numerous shallows must be guarded at all cost.
30129 Salt Marsh - Swampy lowlands full of shallows and rivers that can prohibit expansionistic building.
30130 Scandinavia - In the northern wilderness the berry bushes have all frozen, but there are hungry animals to be hunted and plenty of gold to be found.
30131 Team Islands - One island shared by you and your allies, and another inhabited by your enemies. The islands are not connected by shallows, so beware of enemy Transport Ships.
30132 Yucatan - In the tropical rainforest food is abundant, but jaguars stalk beneath the canopy.
30133 Random - Chooses one of the following maps: Arabia, Archipelago, Baltic, Coastal, Continental, Ghost Lake, Highland, Islands, Mediterranean, Migration, Mongolia, Oasis, Rivers, Scandinavia, Team Islands, or Yucatan.
30134 Random Land - Chooses one of the following maps: Arabia, Ghost Lake, Highland, Mongolia, Oasis and Yucatan.
30135 Iberia - The Iberian Peninsula, including Spain and Portugal.
30136 Britain - Expect lots of naval combat in the North Sea and across the English Channel.
30137 Mideast - Where continents, cultures, and world religions collide.
30138 Texas - Relive the classic Mayan and Korean skirmish over the Lone Star state.
30139 Italy - Rome has fallen and the peninsula is up for grabs.
30140 Central America - The Aztecs and Mayans vie for domination of Central America with invaders from across the sea.
30141 France - Re-enact the Moslem invasion and the Hundred Years War.
30142 Norse Lands - Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Holland.
30143 Sea of Japan (East Sea) - Japanese warships and Korean Turtle Ships do battle in this rocky sea.
30144 Byzantium - Rome never truly fell, it just changed continents.
30145 Custom
30146 Random - Randomly chooses a Real World map.
30170 Random Map - Most common game; you choose the settings and victory conditions.
30171 Regicide - Your King must be the last to survive. If your King dies, you're out of the game.
30172 Death Match - All players start with huge stockpiles of wood, food, gold, and stone and then fight to the death.
30173 Scenario - Play a custom map that you or someone else created.
30174 King of the Hill - Control the Monument in the center of the map for the specified time to win. To control the Monument, kill all of the enemy units around it.
30175 Wonder Race - No combat; the first player to build a Wonder wins.
30176 Defend the Wonder - Player 1 starts with a Wonder surrounded by walls and must defend it from enemy players or teams to win. All players start in the Imperial Age with all technologies researched and huge stockpiles of resources.
30190 Standard - Win by being the first player or team to destroy all enemies in military conquest, control all Relics, or build a Wonder.
30191 Conquest - Win by destroying all enemies in military conquest.
30192 Time Limit - The player or team with the highest score when the time runs out wins.
30193 Score - The first player or team to achieve the required score wins.
30194 Last Man Standing - No allied victory. Team members must ultimately turn on each other until there is only one player left.
30208 Select the number of computer players you want in your game. You can issue commands to allied computer players using the Chat window.
30211 Click to select your team number. Players on the same team automatically have their diplomatic stance set to Ally and Allied Victory set. A dash (-) indicates no team. A question mark (?) indicates random teams.
30251 Select the distribution of land and water on the map.
30252 Select the victory condition you must achieve to win the game.
30273 Select the type of game you want to play.
30280 Select the type of map to use. On a Standard map, the terrain is different every game. On a Real World map, the terrain is similar to the geography of a real location, but resources and starting locations are still random.
30353 Click to tribute this player 100 wood. Each time you click the button, a transaction fee is also deducted from your stockpile. Researching Coinage and Banking (at the Market) reduces the fee. To tribute lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button. To tribute everything in your stockpile, hold down the CTRL key, and then click the button.
30354 Click to tribute this player 100 food. Each time you click the button, a transaction fee is also deducted from your stockpile. Researching Coinage and Banking (at the Market) reduces the fee. To tribute lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button. To tribute everything in your stockpile, hold down the CTRL key, and then click the button.
30355 Click to tribute this player 100 gold. Each time you click the button, a transaction fee is also deducted from your stockpile. Researching Coinage and Banking (at the Market) reduces the fee. To tribute lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button. To tribute everything in your stockpile, hold down the CTRL key, and then click the button.
30356 Click to tribute this player 100 stone. Each time you click the button, a transaction fee is also deducted from your stockpile. Researching Coinage and Banking (at the Market) reduces the fee. To tribute lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button. To tribute everything in your stockpile, hold down the CTRL key, and then click the button.
30551 Set the population limit for this player.
30597 Click to type Scout background information for this scenario (optional).
31000 Play with or against computer players, or play one of nine historical campaigns.
31009 Exit Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion.
31030 Play the original Age of Kings campaigns. Battle with Joan of Arc, Genghis Khan, King Saladin, or Frederick Barbarossa in a series of related games.
31031 Play a single-player game by choosing the map and all of the game settings.
31036 Play a single-player game you saved or view a recorded game.
31037 Play the new Conquerors Expansion campaigns. Battle with Attila the Hun, El Cid, Montezuma, and other conquerors in a series of related games.
31165 Turn on friend or foe colors, a simple color scheme that makes it easier to see which players are your enemies. Instead of unique colors for each player, enemies are red, allies are yellow, neutral players are gray, and your units are blue.
35228 1: Attila the Hun
35229 1. The Scourge of God
35230 2. The Great Ride
35231 3. The Walls of Constantinople
35232 4. A Barbarian Betrothal
35233 5. The Catalaunian Fields
35234 6. The Fall of Rome
35245 Attila the Hun
35258 2: El Cid
35259 1. Brother Against Brother
35260 2. The Enemy of my Enemy
35261 3. The Exile of The Cid
35262 4. Black Guards
35263 5. King of Valencia
35264 6. Reconquista
35275 El Cid
35288 3: Montezuma
35289 1. Reign of Blood
35290 2. The Triple Alliance
35291 3. Quetzalcoatl
35292 4. La Noche Triste
35293 5. The Boiling Lake
35294 6. Broken Spears
35305 Montezuma
35318 4: Battles of the Conquerors
35319 Tours (732)
35320 Vindlandsaga (1000)
35321 Hastings (1066)
35322 Manzikert (1071)
35323 Agincourt (1415)
35324 Lepanto (1571)
35325 Kyoto (1582)
35326 Noryang Point (1598)
35335 Battles of the Conquerors
36228 Attila the Hun:\nBarbarian hordes feast on the dying Roman empire. The most dangerous of these invaders are the Huns and their ferocious king, Attila. After pouring out of the Caspian steppes, looting and burning all the while, the Huns become so powerful that the Roman Empire is forced to pay a tribute to Attila. But the king of the Huns is still not satisfied, and he mobilizes his horsemen to invade Gaul and eventually Rome itself! Can nothing stop the brutal Attila?
36258 El Cid:\nSpain is divided between Christian kingdoms to the north and Moorish kingdoms to the south. In the barren borderlands of Castille, Rodrigo Dφaz, called El Cid, gains notoriety as a brilliant general and heroic crusader. The Cid is so popular among soldiers and peasants alike that the distrustful King of Castille sends him into exile. The Cid must join forces with his former enemies, the Moors, and fight against his beloved Castille. But an even greater threat waits across the sea in Africa, where fanatical Berber horsemen are eager to seize what the Moors could not.
36288 Montezuma:\nCenturies of conquest have allowed the Aztecs to become the mightiest empire in Central America. But when strangers appear on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, Montezuma, emperor of the Aztecs, is unsure whether they are conquerors& or gods. Can a vast empire of warriors using obsidian spears and cotton armor hold off mounted invaders armed with metal armor and gunpowder? Will the Aztec island-city of Tenochtitlan continue to conquer the Americas, or will it crumble beneath these foreign conquerors?
36318 The Conquerors:\nCertain names ring down through history as men and women who shaped the world. Some were forces of chaos, destructive and rapacious. Some were men of honor who fought for the right. Some defended their homelands from invaders, while others used their military might to violently acquire the lands of others. Battles such as Agincourt, Manzikert, and Hastings are remembered as turning points in world history, and names such as Henry V, Yi Sun-shin, and Erik the Red are etched forever as great conquerors. Now relive their tragedies and triumphs.
37167 --Turkey Found--
40114 Research Treason (spy on enemy Kings) (<cost>)
41072 Click to <b>sell<b> 100 wood for %d gold \nEach time you click, 100 wood is deducted from your stockpile and you receive the amount of gold shown on the button. The price may change with each click. To sell lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button.
41073 Click to <b>sell<b> 100 food for %d gold \nEach time you click, 100 food is deducted from your stockpile and you receive the amount of gold shown on the button. The price may change with each click.To sell lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button.
41074 Click to <b>sell<b> 100 stone for %d gold \nEach time you click, 100 stone is deducted from your stockpile and you receive the amount of gold shown on the button. The price may change with each click. To sell lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button.
41076 Click to <b>buy<b> 100 wood for %d gold \nEach time you click, 100 wood is added to your stockpile and you pay the price in gold shown on the button. The price may change with each click. To buy lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button.
41077 Click to <b>buy<b> 100 food for %d gold \nEach time you click, 100 food is added to your stockpile and you pay the price in gold shown on the button. The price may change with each click. To buy lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button.
41078 Click to <b>buy<b> 100 stone for %d gold \nEach time you click, 100 stone is added to your stockpile and you pay the price in gold shown on the button. The price may change with each click. To buy lots of 500, hold down the SHIFT key, and then click the button.
41114 Research <b>Treason<b> (<cost>) \nReveal the position of all enemy Kings to your team for a few seconds. The Kings appear on the mini-map as a flashing X. Each time you research Treason, 400 gold is immediately deducted from your stockpile. (Only available in Regicide game.)
42123 Click to subtract from the queue of farms to reseed.
42220 <b>Achievements Score <b> \nDisplay the individual scores of all players.
42230 Return to the Zone.
43201 <b>Food Stockpile<b> \nShows how much food you have. Food is used to create new units and to advance to the next age. Villagers gather food from forage bushes, deer, sheep, turkeys, javelina, wild boars, Farms, and fish. Fishing Ships also gather food from fishing and Fish Traps.
43204 <b>Stone Stockpile<b> \nShows how much stone you have. Stone is used to build walls, towers, and some buildings. Villagers gather stone from stone mines. You can also buy stone at the Market or receive a tribute of stone from other players.
50009 Difficulty Level
50010 Standard -- Choose this if you have played the William Wallace campaign, but are still learning your way around the game.
50011 Moderate -- Choose this if you are comfortable with the game but aren t quite ready for the next level.
50012 Hard -- Choose this to face the most challenging aspects of the game.
50013 Remember, you can change the difficulty level at any time during a campaign by selecting it on the previous screen.
60000 Attila
60001 Bleda's Huns
60002 Scythians
60003 Persians
60004 Western Roman Empire
60005 1. Bleda may be defeated in several ways; you can change your stance with him to Enemy and attack him, see that he dies in an accident, or refuse his challenge altogether and flee the Hun camp. \n\n 2. Look for allies in unlikely places. The Scythians (green) are not on good terms with the Romans (blue) so it may be possible to convince the two to fight against each other. \n\n 3. The Huns may only reach the Castle Age.
60006 Attila must survive.
60008 Attila must make sure Bleda is killed and return to the Huns' camp. Only then can the Huns ride against their enemies.
60009 OPTIONAL: Rescue Hun captives from the Roman fort to the south.
60010 OPTIONAL: Free the Scythian Scout from the Roman fort. He promises a reward.
60011 OPTIONAL: Bring Attila to the Scythian village in the west to discuss an alliance.
60012 OPTIONAL: Send 10 Horses to the flagged Scythian palisade so the Scythians can supply Attila with soldiers.
60013 OPTIONAL: Keep 10 Horses in the flagged Scythian palisade so the Scythians can supply Attila with soldiers.
60014 <PURPLE>Bleda the Hun: You challenge my every decision. It is as if you seek to lead the Huns yourself.
60015 <PURPLE>Bleda the Hun: Very well. The Iron Boar lairs near here. Let the one who kills this mighty beast lead our people.
60016 <PURPLE>Bleda the Hun: This way Attila -- follow!
60017 <PURPLE>Bleda the Hun: Attila, coward, fight and earn your right to rule!
60018 <PURPLE>Bleda the Hun: Get out of my sight, Attila, and take your traitors with you. I have no brother!
60019 <PURPLE>Bleda the Hun: Attila, that boar would have killed me had you not intervened.
60020 <PURPLE>Bleda the Hun: Pity that none will ever learn of your loyalty. Archers, attack!
60021 <PURPLE>Bleda the Hun: Tracks, brother. Ride ahead and see if you can flush the boar out.
60022 <PURPLE>Hun Commander: Bleda will lead us to ruin. Perhaps he should not return from his boar hunt. Accidents can happen& .
60023 <PURPLE>Hun Tarkan: Bleda is no more. When Attila returns to camp he alone will rule the Huns!
60024 <PURPLE>Hun Tarkan: Bleda wastes our time. Let us follow Attila.
60025 <YELLOW>Hun Tarkan: We ride with you, Attila.
60026 <YELLOW>Hun Tarkan: Let us go. Bleda will soon seek you out. Some of our families are across the western river. We should see to them.
60027 <YELLOW>Hun Tarkan: This road leads to a bridge in both directions. Northwest is the way we want. South leads to the Romans.
60028 <YELLOW>Hun Tarkan: This is the bridge of which I spoke.
60029 <YELLOW>Hun Tarkan: We razed this Roman camp to the ground.
60030 <YELLOW>Hun Villager: Attila! Welcome! We are not many who follow you, but we will follow where you lead -- lead us to glory!
60031 <PURPLE>Hun Tarkan: It was an ambush! Bleda tried to kill Atilla. Bleda is not fit to rule!
60032 <YELLOW>Hun Tarkan: Let us slay the rest of the traitors.
60033 <YELLOW>Hun Tarkan: Attila is king of the Huns! He will lead us to victory against our blood enemies.
60034 <PURPLE>Hun Tarkan: And what were you doing in the forest, noble archer, if not waiting to ambush Attila at Bleda's command? We are best rid of Bleda -- hail Attila!
60035 <YELLOW>Hun Tarkan: Attila has fallen! Woe to the Huns! We will weep blood and bitter tears.
60036 <YELLOW>Hun Tarkan: Some time ago the Romans captured a number of Hun villagers. Bleda arranged for their return, but I do not trust Bleda and I do not trust the Romans. We should free them -- no bargaining!
60037 <GREEN>Scythian Scout: My thanks for rescuing me. We nomads should work together. Perhaps if your leader, Attila, will visit our village in the west our people can make an alliance. For now, a truce?
60038 <GREEN>Scythian Scout: Wait! I am the son of the Leopoxais, a leader amongst my people. If you free me you will be rewarded.
60039 <GREEN>Scythian Scout: Wild horses have stampeded through our town and scattered the herd. They must be found and returned to the palisade.
60040 <GREEN>Scythian Leopoxais: Welcome, Attila. We greet you with lowered bows. My thanks for the safe return of my son. You are an honored guest. Continue west until you begin to see our palisades.
60041 <GREEN>Scythian Leopoxais: We owe the Huns more than our gratitude, but we desperately need Horses. If you could supply us with 10 Horses we will repay our debt of honor.
60042 <GREEN>Scythian Leopoxais: Attila's honor is meaningless! We will bring death to the treacherous Huns.
60043 <GREEN>Scythian Leopoxais: The Huns have killed my son! We will spit on Attila's grave!
60044 <RED>Persian Shah: You would be wise to withdraw from our domain and pursue your petty conquests elsewhere Huns!
60045 <RED>Persian Shah: You have foolishly tempted our wrath!
60046 <RED>Persian Shah: You play a dangerous game with the lives of your people by sending them into our territory!
60047 <BLUE>Western Roman Empire: Our arrangement was with Bleda! I will not turn the captives over to Attila! You must take them by force!
60048 <PURPLE>Bleda's Archers: Attila murdered Bleda! We were too late to stop the bloodshed. We are left with an honorless cur for a leader!
60049 <YELLOW>Hun Villager: We are saved!
60050 Your scouts report: Attila the Hun (yellow) initially commands no troops as all of the Huns are loyal to the Hunnic king, Bleda. Attila must somehow depose Bleda in order to inherit troops and villagers. \n\n There are three other enemies scattered across the landscape. The Western Roman Empire (blue) has a fort to the south where it holds some Huns captive. The Romans rely on their infantry in combat. \n\n The Scythians (green) have a scattered encampment to the west. Because the Scythians are a nomadic people, there are unmined reserves of stone in their area. \n\n The most dangerous enemy is the Persian city across the bay to the east. The Persians hoard lots of gold, but their army consists of Mangonels and War Elephants as well as a considerable navy.
60051 Hun Commander
60052 Defeat 2 of your remaining 3 enemies (the Scythians, Romans and Persians).
60100 Attila
60101 Sofia
60102 Naissus
60103 Adrianople
60104 Dyrrhachium
60105 Thessalonica
60106 Eastern Roman Empire
60107 Scythians
60108 1. Each of the small villages (not counting the Roman fort) has a resource: food, wood, gold, stone, villagers, and troops. Your Tarkans will suggest what to do in each village to capture a resource. \n\n 2. This is a raid -- get what you can and get out! Destroying some buildings will grant you resources, but it is not necessary to raze every enemy building. \n\n 3. Notice locations of resources. You might need them at a later date. \n\n 4. The Huns are still confined to the Castle Age.
60109 Raid the Roman villages. Once you have enough resources to build a forward base, then you can field an army against the Romans.
60110 Train an army and defeat the Romans by leveling their Town Center.
60111 OPTIONAL: Give 6 villagers to the Scythian Wild Women in return for their assistance.
60112 <BLUE>Eastern Roman Empire: Huns have ransacked our fort! I fear for the future of the Empire!
60113 <ORANGE>Scythian Wild Woman: You are most foolish to trespass here. If you bring us 6 of your villagers, we will make it worth your while.
60114 <ORANGE>Scythian Wild Women: We thank you for this gift. Your reward waits in the clearing to the north.
60115 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Now that we have a base, we must train many riders to withstand the Roman attack and then go on the offensive!
60116 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: The Eastern Roman Empire is fielding their army. We must hasten with our raid so that we have enough resources to train our own army.
60117 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Let us raze the Sofia Town Center with our Tarkans and see what loot we may find!
60118 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: The Sofians had much food stockpiled in their Town Center.
60119 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: The locals speak of wild Scythians that dwell somewhere nearby. We should be cautious.
60120 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: I do not like the looks of this& .
60121 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: I remember this place. They took several of our raiders prisoner before. We must rescue our Hun brothers held at the Castle before they are executed.
60122 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: We have captured all of Naissus' lumber!
60123 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Now these peasants will do our bidding! Let us find a suitable location to establish our camp.
60124 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Roman gold! There is no other metal than shines as sweetly.
60125 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: The town of Naissus produces the best lumber in the region. Let us take all we can by destroying these Lumber Camps.
60126 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: The gold mines of Adrianople deserve to be plundered! Let us destroy all of their Mining Camps.
60127 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Huns do not need houses! Let us burn these to the ground and take these villagers with us.
60128 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Now that we have defeated Dyrrhachium, we can easily free the prisoners.
60129 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: If we attack the Roman fort with too few soldiers, we will surely die.
60130 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Beyond this moat is the Roman fort. We should avoid it until we are ready.
60131 Your scouts report: Attila's Huns (yellow) invade the Eastern Roman Empire with several cavalry, but no villagers. They expect only token resistance from all of the villages. \n\n The exception is the Roman army (blue), which has a fortified base to the east. Do not attempt the invade it until you are prepared. \n\n The other villages may have food, wood, gold, stone, villagers, or troops that you can use to challenge the Romans.
60200 Attila
60201 Constantinople
60202 Marcianopolis
60203 Philippopolis
60204 1. Although your goal is to collect gold, do not worry about spending it to train troops. Huns make money by extorting the Romans, not by conservation! \n\n 2. Destroying Roman Town Centers, Docks, Markets and similar buildings will scare the Romans into paying up. But despite their protests, do not cease until you have 10,000 gold. \n\n 3. You cannot merely trade resources for the gold you needed. Your objective is to exact a tribute from the Romans. \n\n 4. The Huns may not go to the Imperial Age.
60205 Stockpile 10,000 gold in tribute from the Romans.
60206 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: The Romans have given us the gold we need. Now we can truly establish a Hunnic empire!
60207 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Attila, we have found a gold mine. 'Tis not much, but it will help us attain our goal.
60208 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Perhaps we underestimated the defenses of Constantinople. We are not equipped for a direct siege, though perhaps we can destroy their docks& .
60209 <BLUE>Constantinople: You have destroyed our shipyards! We will pay you 500 gold to cease these attacks.
60210 <BLUE>Constantinople: Curse you, Huns! Will 500 more gold stay your hand?
60211 <BLUE>Constantinople: The Huns have torched Marcianopolis! Please, take this 3000 gold and just go away.
60212 <BLUE>Constantinople: The Huns have razed yet another dock? When will it end?
60213 <BLUE>Constantinople: The Huns have claimed two more Docks, in the shadow of our Castle, no less. Perhaps we should buy them off& .
60214 <BLUE>Constantinople: The Huns have built a Castle on Roman land! Let us send them 500 gold as a sign of goodwill.
60215 <BLUE>Constantinople: You Huns are disrupting our trade routes. Take this gold and be gone!
60216 <BLUE>Constantinople: You Huns have sunk our merchant fleet! Just take this 500 gold and leave our seas!
60217 <BLUE>Constantinople: Philippopilis has lost its Town Center. Why won't these Huns just leave?
60218 <BLUE>Constantinople: Now the Huns are attacking the docks at Philippopolis. Can nothing be done about them?
60219 <BLUE>Constantinople: Attila, King of the Huns, if we give you 500 more gold will you cease these raids?
60220 <BLUE>Constantinople: No! You must not destroy our Wonder -- the cornerstone of our city. Take this, please, and leave!
60221 <BLUE>Constantinople: Now the Huns destroy our places of worship. Truly, they are barbarians who love nothing but gold.
60222 Your scouts report: The Huns (yellow) have a small town that they will need to defend against early attacks from Marcianopolis (green). \n\n Marcianopolis does not have a strong army, but their town is walled, which can prevent an early Hunnic attack. Once you breach the gates, however, the town should crumble. \n\n Phillippopolis (red) is defended only by a few towers initially, but they will train an army of infantry and Light Cavalry. \n\n Constantinople (blue) is by far the greatest threat. The city's famous walls are very hard to siege but it is not necessary to do so. Extort money from the Romans, and you will be victorious.
60300 Attila
60301 Burgundy
60302 Metz
60303 OrlΘans
60304 Western Roman Empire
60305 1. Your forces begin scattered. Look for a good place for an initial camp while avoiding wolves. In the dead of winter, forage sites are hard to come by, but there are hungry deer to be found. \n\n 2. You cannot match the Frankish technology, but you do have the strengh of numbers. Unleash the horde upon the cities of Gaul!
60306 Defeat the Roman army.
60307 Defeat Burgundy.
60308 Defeat Metz.
60309 Defeat OrlΘans.
60310 OPTIONAL: Burgundy is willing to join you, if you can convince them you are trustworthy. First they want a tribute of 500 gold.
60311 OPTIONAL: Burgundy will join you if you build a Castle within the flagged area of their town within 10 minutes.
60312 <PURPLE>Burgundy: Please, spare us, oh great Huns! We would join you if you could only tribute to us 500 gold and then build a Castle in our town to help defend us!
60313 <PURPLE>Burgundy: I hope I am not making a mistake& but for now, we ride with the Huns!
60314 <PURPLE>Burgundy: We appreciate your show of good faith. Now if you build a Castle within our town, we will know that you can be trusted. You have 10 minutes.
60315 <PURPLE>Burgundy: It is just like a Hun to break his promise. We asked for a simple Castle, but I suppose no one asks favors of Attila the Hun.
60316 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: Our forces are weak and scattered from recent attacks. We must regroup before we ravage the Frankish countryside.
60317 <BLUE>Western Roman Empire: You have burned your last town!
60318 Your scouts report: After invading Gaul, the Huns begin scattered. They must regroup while avoiding stumbling too close to Burgundy (purple) in the south, Metz (red) to the north or the great city of OrlΘans (cyan) to the northwest. \n\n Burgundy trains archers, rams, and infantry, but is not well-defended and might fall to an early attack. The Burgundians are easily intimidated and might even be persuaded to join the Hunnic cause. \n\n Metz makes up for Burgundy's weakness with an army of Knights and Throwing Axemen. Their Castle and proximity to OrlΘans offers them some defense. \n\n OrlΘans is a walled city protected by Towers and Castles. Its army of Spearmen, Knights, and Monks may prove a challenge for the Huns. \n\n Scouts also report that the Western Roman Empire is sending Aetius' army to reinforce Gaul. The Romans have no town in the area, but their legions and Cataphracts could strike at any time.
60400 Attila
60401 Ostrogoths
60402 Western Roman Empire
60403 Visigoths
60404 Alans
60405 Franks
60406 1. This battle will play like a Death Match. Prepare for attack almost immediately, but don't forget to collect resources to replenish your losses.
60407 Defeat the Romans, Alans, and Visigoths.
60408 <YELLOW>Hun Soldier: The Romans have lost. Now there is nothing to stop our invasion of Italy!
60409 <RED>Ostrogoths: Attila! You brought us to this accursed battlefield. Now you must keep the Romans from killing us all.
60410 <RED>Ostrogoths: This river will run red with the blood of Goths and Romans!
60411 <RED>Ostrogoths: Attila! Our forces are being slaughtered! You must come to our aid soon or else face the Romans alone.
60412 Your scouts report: The Huns (yellow) and their allies, the Ostrogoths (red), occupy the right-hand side of the battlefield. \n\n The Romans (blue) and their allies, the Visigoths (green) and Alans (cyan), are drawn up across the creek on the left-hand side of the battlefield. \n\n The embattled Franks (gray) have been caught in the middle of the battle, and will soon be defeated. Their fate is none of the Huns' concern. \n\n Among your enemies, the Romans are the most dangerous. Their infantry, Cataphracts, and siege weapons will initially try and hit the Ostrogoths on the Huns' flank. The Visigoths train Huskarls and some cavalry, while the Alans are composed mostly of Spearmen and Archers.
60500 Attila
60501 Aquileia
60502 Milan
60503 Verona
60504 Padua
60505 Western Roman Empire
60506 1. Do not attack the city of Rome. It is not a threat, and you need someone left who can surrender to you. \n\n 2. The Hun unique technology, Atheism, is very useful if your opponent attempts a Relic or Wonder victory. \n\n 3. Do not send all of your troops on the offensive if you lack sufficient resources to defend your town. \n\n 4. When you do go offensive, make sure you have many fully, upgraded units, as your enemies will work together to stop you.
60507 Attila must meet with Pope Leo I outside the gates of Rome.
60508 Attila must survive.
60509 Defeat Milan, Padua, Verona, and Aquileia, so that you may parlay with Rome.
60510 <BLUE>Rome: King Attila, before we pursue this wanton bloodshed any further, we request that you come personally to a meeting with Pope Leo I in Rome.
60511 <BLUE>Pope Leo I: Attila, might I have a word with you in private, please?
60512 Your scouts report: The Huns (yellow) begin with ample resources in the foothills of the Alps. Below lie the well-defended city states of Northern Italy. \n\n Milan (green) has an agressive army that may come looking for you if you take too long to go on the offensive. Milan trains Knights and Archers and has a small navy. \n\n Padua (purple) also lies to the north and may attack early. Padua is known for its Archers and siege weapons. \n\n In the northern marshes lies Aquileia (red), which has few soldiers initially, but can eventually field Knights, Spearmen, and Scorpions. \n\n As the Huns advance through Italy, they will eventually come into contact with Verona (orange), whose Knights, Archers, and Throwing Axemen offer the final defense of the Roman Empire. \n\n Rome itself (blue) lost most of its forces fighting the Huns in Gaul. After the Huns defeat the other cities, they can walk into Rome and proclaim themselves the new heirs to the Empire.
60700 El Cid
60701 King Sancho
60702 King Sancho's Champion
60703 King Alfonso
60704 King Alfonso's Army
60705 Serfs
60706 1. Some of the folk of Castille may pledge themselves or their homes to the charismatic El Cid when they see him or his soldiers. \n\n 2. Most of the stone in Castille has already been quarried for its namesake castles. Almost all of the stone that remains in the area is in the territory of King Alfonso. \n\n 3. El Cid cannot yet advance to the Imperial Age.
60707 <YELLOW>King Sancho: Welcome Rodrigo -- the tournament awaits only your arrival to begin!
60708 <YELLOW>King Sancho: Defeat my Champion in combat, Rodrigo Dφaz de Bivar, and I will give you command of my army! Let the tournament begin!
60709 <YELLOW>Sancho's Swordsman: El Cid will fall to my blade!
60710 <YELLOW>Sancho's Knight: I would face The Cid, my King, with your permission.
60711 <YELLOW>King Sancho: You would face him from horseback? He, afoot? I will not allow that. However, if he wishes, I have a horse for Rodrigo in my stable -- Rodrigo?
60712 <YELLOW>King Sancho: The horse, Bavieca, comes from the renowned royal stables of Seville.
60713 <YELLOW>King Sancho: Very well, brave Rodrigo, face the knight afoot.
60714 <YELLOW>King Sancho: I will take it as a personal insult if you leave before a Champion has been chosen.
60715 <YELLOW>King Sancho: Leave and do not return, Rodrigo. You are no longer The Cid.
60716 <YELLOW>King Sancho: Lament, for The Cid has been slain!
60717 <YELLOW>King Sancho: Rodrigo Dφaz de Bivar, The Cid, you will lead the armies of Castille. I am glad that you have won; you are the only man I would trust with a very important duty.
60719 <YELLOW>King Sancho: Rodrigo, you know of my brother Alfonso. You also know of his ambition to rule all of Spain. I need you to travel to his Castle at Golpejera, capture Alfonso and bring him to me so that I may& persuade him that ruling Leon is enough.
60720 <YELLOW>Castillian Army: The Cid!
60721 <YELLOW>King Sancho: El Cid, so great a Champion as yourself must have a charger to carry him into battle. Go to my stable and retrieve the steed that is now yours.
60722 <YELLOW>King Sancho: A splendid sight! Now, go back to the task at hand.
60723 <YELLOW>King Sancho: Your army has assembled -- look!
60724 <YELLOW>King Sancho: Wonderful, with this building you have begun your quest in earnest! I send my thanks and the thanks of Castille.
60725 <YELLOW>Spanish Serf: I am not jesting soldier, get out of these fields!
60726 <YELLOW>Spanish Serf: El Cid! My Lord, you lead the rabble -- er, the soldiers we have seen around here? Forgive our harsh words, we are at your service.
60727 <YELLOW>Spanish Serf: El Cid! We heard you were King Sancho's Champion. We are at your disposal.
60728 <YELLOW>Castillian Army: El Cid! Champion! El Cid!
60729 <YELLOW>Spanish Serf: Our homes are yours El Cid!
60730 <YELLOW>Spanish Monk: We have heard of The Cid's piety and would humbly join his service.
60731 <BLUE>King Alfonso: So, my brother would have words with me? Since you leave me no choice, I will ride back with you to see him.
60732 <YELLOW>Spanish Serf: Clumsy soldiers! Not two weeks ago another army traipsed through our fields and destroyed half of our harvest! Mind your lumbering feet!
60733 <YELLOW>Spanish Serf: That is enough! Oafish, thoughtless, clumsy, boulder-footed soldiers& .
60734 Become King Sancho's Champion in a trial by combat.
60736 Take command of the Castillian army in order to capture King Sancho's conniving, ambitious brother, King Alfonso. Alfonso's Castle lies to the northwest, across the river.
60737 El Cid himself must bring the captured King Alfonso to King Sancho's tournament grounds.
60738 El Cid must survive.
60739 Your scouts report: El Cid (red) starts alone and can only gain troops if they are granted by King Sancho. \n\n Sancho's subjects (yellow) are loyal to Sancho and friendly with The Cid and might prove helpful. \n\n King Alfonso (blue) is your enemy. He has a well-fortified city. Your initial forces can probably damage his city, but it is likely you will need to train some reinforcements, particularly siege weapons, to destroy his Castle. The border between Golpejera to the north and the Castillian border Castles to the south should have ample space and resources. \n\n Alfonso trains Knights and Pikemen, so guard your cavalry with Pikemen of your own.
60740 Bavieca
60800 El Cid
60801 Toledo
60802 Spanish Rebels
60803 Moorish Rebels
60804 Motamid
60805 The Imam
60806 1. Since you are unable to construct Trebuchets, garrisoned Battering Rams are probably your best siege weapon. \n\n 2. Search for guidance from a Moorish holy man living on the lake. \n\n 3. El Cid may not advance to the Imperial Age.
60807 <YELLOW>Toledo Refugee: My Cid, you must help us! Rebels are tearing our city apart! Search for the Imam -- he will know what to do! He fled to the lake to the east.
60808 <PURPLE>The Imam: Welcome, my Cid. I was forced to flee Toledo due to the open rebellion in the streets. I tried to calm the Spaniards and Moors, but they would not listen.
60809 <PURPLE>The Imam: The rebel leaders have power because of the Relics that they have stolen from churches and mosques. If you could recover all 4 of the Relics and bring them to me, I believe I could quell the rebellion.
60810 <PURPLE>The Imam: Now that you have brought me these Relics, the people of Toledo will listen to me and I should be able to end the rebellion. Thank you for this noble act, my Cid.
60811 <AQUA>Motamid: My Cid, if you wish to build Castles, you will need plenty of stone. My scouts have located a large quarry to the southeast that may be of interest to you.
60812 <GREEN>Moorish Rebels: They are taking the Relics to that mosque on the island! Attack them!
60813 <AQUA>Motamid: My Cid, if you are in need of food, might I suggest fishing from the lake.
60814 <RED>El Cid's Soldier: The Cid has died ignobly in battle.
60815 <AQUA>Motamid: This is our well, my Cid, though you may drink of it if you wish. I am Motamid of the Moors. If it is true that you have come to restore order to Toledo, then you have my gratitude.
60819 Last rest stop for many miles
60820 Find a way to stop the rebellion in Toledo.
60821 El Cid must meet with the Imam, for he will know how to quell the unrest in Toledo.
60822 Recover the 4 Relics from the rebel leaders and return them to the Imam.
60823 El Cid must survive.
60824 Your scouts report: El Cid (red) starts with a small force that you can use to construct your base. You should do so quickly and scout for resources later. \n\n El Cid is fighting against the Spanish Rebels (orange) and the Moorish Rebels (green) over the helpless city of Toledo (yellow). There are other Moors nearby, Motamid (cyan) and the Imam (purple), a holy man. Neither seems agressive against El Cid's forces. \n\n The Spanish Rebel army is composed of infantry, Knights, and Battering Rams. The Moorish Rebels use archers, Camels, and Mangonels. Either army may have Monks. Toledo has strong walls, so make sure to bring along siege weapons.
60900 El Cid
60901 King Alfonso's Army
60902 Motamid
60903 Berenguer
60904 1. El Cid no longer leads a Spanish army, so become familiar with the Saracen technology tree. \n\n 2. Know when to fight and when to run away. You may need to destroy walls that block your path, but only if there is no alternative. \n\n 3. El Cid does not view Alfonso as an enemy so much as misguided. As such, you should not destroy anything of Alfonso's unless you are forced.
60907 El Cid must find a new city in which to live and a new lord to serve.
60908 Join Motamid of the Moors at his Castle in Zaragoza.
60909 Destroy Alfonso's Castle, so that you may continue on to Zaragoza.
60910 Defend Zaragoza by destroying Count Berenguer's Siege Workshop nearby.
60911 Defeat Count Berenguer.
60912 El Cid must survive.
60913 <GREEN>Motamid: We meet again, El Cid. You could not have arrived at a better time. The army of Count Berenguer is approaching our gates! Defeat him, and you may have the land outside my city gates as your own.
60914 <BLUE>Alfonso's Soldier: My Cid, I know that the king is irate, but I am certain you do not mean to leave without your trusty Bavieca! She waits for you in the stable to the northwest.
60915 <BLUE>Alfonso's Soldier: My Cid, here is your horse. Do not judge King Alfonso too harshly. We will open the gates for you now. Godspeed.
60916 <BLUE>King Alfonso: That's enough of a head start. If The Cid shows his face near our city again, you may open fire.
60917 <GREEN>Moor Camel: Greetings, my Cid. My lord Motamid has heard of your situation and welcomes you to join him at his city of Zaragoza. It is just a short ride to the southeast of here.
60918 <RED>Knight: King Alfonso is a fool to send you into exile. We will follow where you lead, my Cid.
60919 <GREEN>Moor Camel: My Cid, King Alfonso has blockaded the gap leading to Zaragoza. If we are to get through, we must siege his Castle. Perhaps we can find the troops we need to the south.
60920 <BLUE>King Alfonso: El Cid, we stand nothing to gain by fighting against each other. Let us call a truce and each just go our separate ways.
60921 <GREEN>Moor Villager: My Cid! What little we have is yours, if you can just destroy Alfonso's castle to the north.
60922 <GREEN>Motamid: Thank you for saving my city. Here is a small reward for your trouble. Now you may use these villagers to build your own encampment northwest of Zaragoza. But be vigilant, Berenguer may come again!
60923 <RED>Spanish Soldier: The Cid has fallen in battle!
60924 <GREEN>Moor Camel: My Cid, we should not travel in this direction, for it leads to the holds of our enemy, Lord Berenguer. Zaragoza lies to the south of here.
60925 <BLUE>King Alfonso: I cannot stand the sight of you, El Cid. I command that you leave my kingdom at once!
60926 Your scouts report: El Cid (red) starts alone in exile. Do not fear, for you will soon find recruits to your cause. You will have little in the way of an economy until you meet up with an old friend. \n\n King Alfonso (blue) is your enemy, but he is more of an annoyance than a threat. The real enemy is Count Berenguer of Barcelona (purple). He will send swordsmen, Knights, Scorpions, and Battering Rams your way. \n\n Motamid the Moor (green) is a potential ally as are any other Moors you may encounter.
61000 El Cid
61001 King Alfonso's Army
61002 Black Guard Army
61003 Yusuf
61004 Black Guard Navy
61005 1. Save King Alfonso as quickly as possible. \n\n 2. The sea can be an important battlefield and a good source of food. Including a navy in your strategy may prove useful.
61006 Follow the Knight in order to rescue King Alfonso.
61007 Destroy the 6 Black Guard Docks.
61008 King Alfonso must survive.
61009 El Cid must survive.
61010 Escort King Alfonso to his camp to the west.
61011 OPTIONAL: Bring El Cid to the Black Guard Mosque.
61012 OPTIONAL: Convert the Black Guard Mosque in return for aid in defeating Yusuf and the Black Guards.
61013 OPTIONAL: Destroy the Black Guard Navy's Transports to stop the arrival of reinforcements.
61014 <BLUE>King Alfonso: You have done it, my Cid! Without their Transports, Yusuf will have to call off his invasion.
61015 <RED>Spanish Soldier: King Alfonso has been killed in battle.
61016 <BLUE>King Alfonso: Rodrigo has fallen! Alas, if only I had trusted you& .
61017 <BLUE>Alfonso's Knight: Hurry, my Cid. King Alfonso's forces are deep in Moorish territory and are horribly outnumbered.
61018 <BLUE>Alfonso's Knight: This way! Hurry!
61019 <RED>King Alfonso: Rodrigo, if you have any loyalty left, you will save me from the Moors. Please cover my retreat to my camp to the west.
61020 <RED>King Alfonso: Thank you, Rodrigo. Now you must lead my army against Yusuf and his Black Guards. If you can destroy all of their Docks, they will be unable to transport soldiers across the Strait of Gibraltar and must postpone their invasion of Spain.
61021 <RED>King Alfonso: A second wave of marauders! We must flee!
61022 <YELLOW>Black Guard Monk: A blessing upon you, serf of The Cid. You are welcome here. Summon The Cid, we would speak with him.
61023 <YELLOW>Black Guard Monk: El Cid's soldiers! Please, do not destroy our place of worship. Instead, summon The Cid to us that we may speak with him.
61024 <YELLOW>Black Guard Monk: You are most tolerant, my Cid. Take our Mosque under your protection by sending a holy man to convert it and, though I should not, I will help you to defeat Yusuf and his Black Guard.
61025 <YELLOW>Black Guard Monk: Our thanks, my Cid. I feel free to help you because I have forseen your victory. I seek only to bring the bloodshed to a swift close.
61026 <YELLOW>Black Guard Monk: The Transports are the key. Destroy the Black Guard Navy's Transports and you will effectively cripple the arrival of reinforcements.
61027 <YELLOW>Black Guard Monk: Also& El Cid, if you should wish to leave a holy man here at the Mosque, we will teach him all that we know.
61028 <RED>Spanish Soldier: That was the last of the Black Guard Navy's transports. That should delay their reinforcements indefinitely!
61029 <RED>Spanish Soldier: We are halfway through the Black Guard Navy's Docks and halfway to stopping the advance of Yusuf's invasion!
61030 <RED>Monk Studying at Mosque: I have learned of Sanctity, now I shall learn of Fervor.
61031 <RED>Monk Studying at Mosque: I have learned the ways of Fervor and now they teach me of Herbal Medicines.
61032 <RED>Monk Studying at Mosque: I have mastered the poultices and remedies of Herbal Medicine and now am studying the ways of Atonement.
61033 <RED>Monk Studying at Mosque: The ways of Atonement are now ours. The monks now teach me of Heresy.
61034 <RED>Monk Studying at Mosque: I have learned the intricacies of heretics and Heresy and now learn the art of Illumination.
61035 <RED>Monk Studying at Mosque: We now know of Illumination. The monks will soon teach me their Block Printing.
61036 <RED>Monk Studying at Mosque: The technique of Block Printing is ours. Now I will learn the might of Theocracy.
61037 <RED>Monk Studying at Mosque: We have discussed, debated, and learned of Theocracy. Now I will delve into the mysteries of Faith.
61038 <RED>Monk Studying at Mosque: The wonderment of Faith is with us, my Cid. The Black Guard Monks thank you and have taught me all they know.
61039 Your scouts report: El Cid's forces (red) are allied with those of King Alfonso (blue). \n\n There are three enemies, the Black Guard Army (cyan), the Black Guard Navy (Yellow) and Yusuf's Elite Guard (Green). The two land armies field mostly Camel and siege units. The navy trains Galleys and Spearmen. \n\n All three of your enemies have walled cities with many towers, so try using Trebuchets and garrisoned Battering Rams against them. Eventually, you may need to build a navy as well. You can construct your Docks within the city of a vanquished enemy or in the no man's land between the cities.
61040 OPTIONAL: Send a Monk to oversee and learn at the former Black Guard Mosque.
61100 El Cid
61101 Berenguer
61102 Denia
61103 LΘrida
61104 Valencia
61105 1. El Cid no longer serves the Moors. Your technology tree is Spanish once again. \n\n 2. Look for soldiers and villagers who will join The Cid. You will need an army to take Valencia. \n\n 3. Know when to fight and when to run away. \n\n 4. Count Berenguer's army is mighty, but he does not own a navy. Therefore, you can get plenty of food from the Mediterranean, but fielding your own navy is not necessary. \n\n 5. Berenguer's mountain fortress is virtually impenetrable. Although you can slow him down by a direct assault, that is not the path to victory.
61106 El Cid must once again find a new city in which to live.
61107 El Cid must flee and establish a new base.
61108 Defend Valencia from Berenguer until the Wonder is completed.
61109 El Cid must survive.
61110 <ORANGE>Camel: The Cid will lead us to victory against Count Berenguer!
61111 <PURPLE>Berenguer's soldier: It is the one they call The Cid! If we bring his head, Count Berenguer will be most pleased.
61112 <PURPLE>Berenguer's soldier: We claim Valencia in the name of King Alfonso! Turn back at once!
61113 <YELLOW>Valencian villager: Welcome, El Cid, to Valencia. We have suffered much in this war. But those days are passed. We know that you will restore the city to its former glory, El Cid Campeador!
61114 <YELLOW>Valencian villager: The Wonder has been destoyed! Valencia will be nothing but a by-water, and The Cid's name will be forgotten.
61115 <YELLOW>Valencian villager: By defending our Wonder, The Cid has helped to put Valencia on the map! Viva el Cid!
61116 <YELLOW>Valencian villager: The Cid has died ignobly in battle.
61117 <YELLOW>Valencian villager: Lumber is hard to come by in these parts. We will try to give you what we can.
61118 <ORANGE>LΘrida fishermen: It is El Cid Campeador! We will throw down our nets and follow him to Valencia.
61119 <GREEN>Denia villager: You are welcome here, my Cid. We will follow your commands if you can help defend us from Count Berenguer.
61120 <GREEN>Denia villager: Berenguer is attacking! Ours is but a peaceful village. We cannot defend ourselves. We should flee south across the river.
61121 <ORANGE>LΘrida Knight: It is The Cid! Finally have we found a lord worthy of our service.
61122 Your scouts report: El Cid (red) is alone again and this time Motamid cannot come to his assistance. \n\n There are several towns in southern Spain that might prove allies, Denia (green), LΘrida (orange), and Valencia (yellow). None of these towns can field a large military. \n\n El Cid's enemy is once again Count Berenguer (purple). Berenguer has a well-fortified city in the north that will prove very difficult to siege. As such, other avenues to victory are a better option. Berengeur relies on combined arms of archers, infantry, and Knights along with a plethora of siege weapons. Construct your defenses well!
61123 Defend Denia from Count Berenguer.
61124 <RED>Missionary: We have heard of The Cid's piety and would humbly join his service.
61200 El Cid
61201 Dead El Cid
61202 Black Guard Army
61203 Black Guard Navy
61204 Yusuf
61205 1. You will need to expand out from the Valencian fortress in order to procure more resources. \n\n 2. Concentrate on fighting in Spain at first. Later you can attempt to sail across to Yusuf's base in Africa. \n\n 3. Spanish Cannon Galleons are powerful. You should use them when attacking Yusuf in Africa.
61206 Defeat the three armies of Yusuf so that Valencia will remain free. \n\n The body of The Cid (near the Castle) must come to no harm, lest the people of Valencia realize they have lost their leader.
61207 Defeat the three armies of Yusuf so that Valencia will remain free.
61208 The body of The Cid (near the Castle) must come to no harm, lest the people of Valencia realize they have lost their leader.
61209 <RED>Ximena: My poor Rodrigo. 'Tis only his horse who lives. But the men must not find out, or they will never have the courage to face Yusuf!
61210 <RED>Valencia soldier: The rumors are true! The Cid has fallen in battle! We have no chance for victory without him.
61211 Your scouts report: El Cid (red) has all the buildings he needs in Valencia to quickly field an army. \n\n There are three enemies: The Black Guard Army (cyan), Navy (yellow), and Yusuf's elite forces (green). \n\n The Black Guard Army is north of Valencia and the most immediate threat, but it can be dispatched by a series of quick raids. The Black Guard Army is composed mostly of Camels and Cavalry Archers. \n\n The Black Guard Navy is west of Valencia but can be reached by land. The Navy is better defended than the Army but can still be attacked early. In addition to cavalry, the Black Guard Navy has some Monks. \n\n Yusuf is the most dangerous enemy. His ships may attack Valencia early on and his fortress in Africa is dangerous. Yusuf trains Camels, Cavalry Archers, and Monks that he will attempt to transport across in addition to Fire Ships and Cannon Galleons.
61212 Tower of Agony
61213 Tower of Despair
61214 Tower of Desolation
61300 Montezuma
61301 Tlatiluco
61302 Xochimilco
61303 Tepanaca
61304 1. You must defend the shrines that are sacred to the god Quetzalcoatl. Making new Monasteries will not be sufficient to please him. \n\n 2. Your enemies will attempt to destroy the shrines in order to embarrass you before the gods. Therefore, do not attempt to claim the shrines until you can defend them. \n\n 3. Aztec Monks are very powerful when fully upgraded. Once you capture a shrine (Monastery) and have advanced to the Castle Age you can train Monks. \n\n 4. The Aztecs are restricted to the Castle Age.
61305 Capture the 4 shrines (Monasteries) sacred to Quetzalcoatl. \n\n Place a sacred Relic in each of the 4 shrines (Monasteries).
61306 Capture the 4 shrines (Monasteries) sacred to Quetzalcoatl.
61307 Place a sacred Relic in each of the 4 shrines (Monasteries).
61308 <GREEN>Aztec villager: I hear the growl of the jaguar. Is this a bad omen?
61309 <ORANGE>Tepanaca: You defile our sacred temple, Aztecs! The gods demand a sacrifice!
61310 Your scouts report: Montezuma's forces (green) begin in the Feudal Age with only a few soldiers. These few must defend the Aztec town from early attacks. \n\n Your enemies are three; the Tlatiluco (red) are located to the west. Their army of swordsmen and Eagle Warriors can be dealt with relatively early. \n\n The Tepanaca (orange) dwell to the north of your town. Their walls may keep you out of their town until you have siege weapons. They train Archers and Eagle Warriors. \n\n The Xochimilco (purple) are your most dangerous enemy. They live far to the north and train Archers and Scorpions. Do not engage them until you have many Eagle Warriors at your command.
61311 <GREEN>Aztec villager: We have allowed one of the sacred shrines to be destroyed! I fear the wrath of the gods! The corn will bleed and insects will plague the cities of the Aztec for all eternity!
61400 Montezuma
61401 Tlaxcala
61402 Tlacopan
61403 Texcoco
61404 1. Use your Eagle Warriors to locate a suitable location for an Aztec town. \n\n 2. Be aware of Tlaxcalan war ships on streams and rivers. \n\n 3. The Aztecs have two powerful infantry units: the Jaguar Warrior, which can easily defeat other infantry, and the Eagle Warrior, which is a good counter for archers, horses and siege weapons. \n\n 4. The Aztecs cannot yet advance to the Imperial Age.
61405 Deliver the summons of war to the Texcoco and Tlacopan Town Centers.
61406 Deliver the summons of war to the Texcoco Town Center.
61407 Deliver the summons of war to the Tlacopan Town Center.
61408 Defeat the Tlaxcalans by destroying their 4 Town Centers.
61409 Defeat your former allies, the Tlacopan and Texcoco.
61410 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: Emperor Montezuma insists that you make war on the Tlaxcala.
61411 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: Montezuma of the Aztecs demands that as a member of the Triple Alliance, you attack the wicked Tlaxcala.
61412 <YELLOW>Tlacopan Warrior: Montezuma oversteps his authority& but we will comply.
61413 <YELLOW>Tlacopan Warrior: Now that we are rid of the Tlaxcala, let us rid ourselves of these Aztec taskmasters as well.
61414 <PURPLE>Texcoco Warrior: Montezuma asks us to do much for the Aztecs. But we shall do his bidding& for now.
61415 <PURPLE>Texcoco Warrior: Agreed.
61416 <WHITE>Mysterious Voice: These warriors shall receive the blessing of the rain god and will fight with the skill of ten normal men!
61417 <BLUE>Hernßn CortΘz: I claim these lands and all the gold it bears in the name of Ferdinand of Spain. Until all of the gold is brought to me, I shall not return home. And to prove it, I am sinking my ships.
61418 CortΘz
61419 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: Now we can attack the Tlaxcalans. Villagers are being sent by Transport from Tenochtitlan to establish our forward base.
61420 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: None shall challenge the will of Montezuma and the Aztec empire!
61421 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: We have found a hidden temple to Tlaloc, the rain god. The magicians say that if we bring 10 Jaguar Warriors to this location, we will be rewarded.
61422 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: But wait& what is this that approaches?
61423 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: Who is this man who has arrived? Could it be that the god Quetzalcoatl has returned?
61424 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: We have destroyed one Town Center. Three remain.
61425 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: We have now leveled two of Tlaxcala's Town Centers. Two remain.
61426 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: Tlaxcala has one Town Center remaining. Where can it be?
61427 <GREEN>Aztec Eagle Warrior: We have destroyed all of Tlaxcala's Town Centers. Now they will surely surrender.
61428 Your scouts report: Montezuma's forces (green) begin with only a few Eagle Warriors. These messengers must visit the other two members of the Triple Alliance, the Tlacopan (yellow) and Texcoco (purple). \n\n The Tlacopan train swordsmen and Eagle Warriors while the Texcoco train archers and Mangonels. \n\n All of these troops will be needed to defeat the wicked Tlaxcala (red) who live to the north across the rivers. The Tlaxcala are known for their archers, infantry, and mad shaman.
61429 Son of Ornlu
61430 OPTIONAL: Bring 10 Elite Jaguar Warriors to the Temple of Tlaloc and be rewarded.
61500 Montezuma
61501 Tlaxcala
61502 CortΘz
61503 Tabasco
61504 1. The dense rain forest is home to many jaguars. Be cautious. \n\n 2. Tabasco, your ally, lives dangerously close to your enemies. It may be possible to save them, but do not despair if Tabasco is destroyed. \n\n 3. Do not slay the Spanish beasts if they can be of some use.
61505 Defeat the Tlaxcalans.
61506 Prevent the Aztec allies in Tabasco from being defeated.
61507 Capture 20 Spanish horses and return them to the flagged pen in the Aztec camp \n\n OR Defeat the Spanish.
61508 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: Now that we have all of the Spanish horses, they will be unable to send their deadly knights and conquistadors into battle.
61509 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: This is the pen where we will corral the captured Spanish horses.
61510 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: The Spanish armies are dangerous because of the beasts they ride into battle. If we could capture these animals, then the Spanish would be much less of a threat.
61511 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: It is to no avail. The Spanish beasts and weapons are more powerful than our warriors. Tabasco is lost.
61512 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: We do not know the intentions of these Spanish arrivals. For now, our enemies are the Tlaxcala.
61513 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: The Spanish are attacking our allies in Tabasco. We must come to their aid.
61514 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: We have captured 10 Spanish horses. We are halfway to our goal.
61515 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: Our runners have confirmed that the Spanish and Tlaxcalans have formed an alliance against us. Now we must do battle with them both.
61516 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: We have defeated the Tlaxcalans and slowed the Spanish advance, but I fear the final confrontation is yet to come.
61517 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: It is here that the Spanish sank their own Transports to prove their determination to conquer our lands. CortΘz must be nearby.
61518 Your scouts report: The Aztecs of Montezuma (green) have a small fortress to the south. In the center of the area is a large cliff and north of this is your ally, Tabasco (orange). To the west is the sprawling city of your enemies, the Tlaxcala (red). To the east are the Spanish (blue). Their motives are unknown. \n\n The Tlaxcala army is composed of Archers, Skirmishers, and Eagle Warriors led by Monks. Their production might be slowed by an early attack. \n\n The Spanish are far more powerful. Defeating their cavalry and swordsmen will require siege weapons as their fortress is protected with cannon.
61600 Montezuma
61601 CortΘz
61602 Conquered Aztecs
61603 Tlaxcala
61604 1. You will need to sneak around Spanish and Tlaxcalan soldiers until you are ready to fight. Avoid conflict if you can. \n\n 2. Use your Eagle Warriors to scout the path ahead. Use Pikemen to fight any Spanish Conquistadors you might encounter. \n\n 3. It is acceptable to damage the buildings of Tenochtitlan even though they once belonged to your people. The city can be rebuilt once the Spanish are driven out.
61605 Destroy the Spanish Wonder to end their influence in Tenochtitlan.
61606 Rescue the Aztec warriors held prisoner by the Tlaxcala.
61607 Travel across Lake Texcoco, where you may safely gather resources.
61608 Use Monks to capture Spanish villagers from Tenochtitlan.
61609 <GREEN>Eagle Warrior: An Tlaxcalan priest! We must be cautious. Hmmm& I wonder what would happen if we opened that jaguar pen?
61610 <GREEN>Eagle Warrior: If you truly mean to free Tenochtitlan, then we will fight alongside you. Many Aztecs are held prisoner to the north. They would join us as well.
61611 <GREEN>Eagle Warrior: Vengeance shall be ours. We can gather our strength across the lake, but to get there we must steal a Transport from Tenochtitlan!
61612 <GREEN>Eagle Warrior: We can train priests at this Monastery, and use them to capture villagers from Tenochtitlan.
61613 <GREEN>Eagle Warrior: The Spanish thought that Tenochtitlan was theirs. But they did not count on the strength and courage of Aztec warriors!
61614 <GREEN>Jaguar Warrior: I must make my way back to Tenochtitlan and end the Spanish influence there. But how?
61615 <BLUE>Spanish Conquistador: What are you doing so close to the city? Stirring up trouble, no doubt.
61616 <GREEN>Eagle Warrior: We have reached the Tlaxcala outpost. We do not have time to destroy every building. Let us free the prisoners and escape.
61617 <GREEN>Eagle Warrior: I have heard tales of an island in Lake Texcoco that is covered with gold, but is sacred to Tezcatlipoca, the jaguar god.
61618 <GREEN>Eagle Warrior: Montezuma was tricked by the Spanish. Vengeance shall be ours!
61619 <GREEN>Eagle Warrior: There are Transports on the beach ahead, but they are guarded. We will need several Aztec warriors to defeat them.
61620 <GREEN>Jaguar Warrior: Out of my way, pig!
61621 Your scouts report: A single Aztec Jaguar Warrior leads the resistance. He must gather forces along the shores of Lake Texcoco before venturing into Tenochtitlan in the center. \n\n The Tlaxcala have gathered in force along the north shore of the lake and along the causeways. They have many Eagle Warriors and a few Monks. \n\n The Spanish occupy Tenochtitlan. Their Conquistadors, Missionaries, and Mangonels could be trouble for the Aztec infantry.
61700 Aztecs
61701 Tlaxcala
61702 CortΘz
61703 1. This far from Tenochtitlan you are cut off from your resources and will have to search for additional gold and stone. \n\n 2. Spanish Cannon Galleons are deadly. Do not lose your navy on Lake Texcoco or risk shore bombardment. \n\n 3. Tlaxcala Jaguar Warriors are adept at defeating Aztec infantry. A pity the Aztecs have been unable to domesticate horses& .
61704 Defeat the Tlaxcalans and Spanish.
61705 OPTIONAL: Bringing captured Spanish units to the plaza (inside the torches) will allow you to create new units. \n\n Bringing horses will create cavalry. \n\n Bringing Trade Carts full of gunpowder will create Bombards.
61706 <GREEN>Jaguar Warrior: The Spanish shall never again set foot in Tenochtitlan! Let none escape our blades!
61707 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: We have trained a horse rider.
61708 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: My emperor, we have been studying Spanish horses and cannon and have found that there is no reason Aztecs could not use these weapons, provided we had the proper materials.
61709 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: If we capture Spanish horses, it is possible that we can train cavalry of our own. If we capture their stores of gunpowder, we could even create some cannons to use against the Spanish.
61710 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: In their haste to flee, the Spanish abandoned these carts filled with gunpowder.
61711 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: It is an old Spanish ammunition depot. These wagonloads of gunpowder might be useful& .
61712 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: We have captured a Spanish horse. If we return it to our citadel, perhaps we can learn to ride it into battle!
61713 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: We have created a Bombard Cannon.
61714 Your scouts report: The Aztecs (green) begin on an island in Lake Texcoco in pursuit of fleeing Spanish (blue) and Tlaxcalans (red). \n\n The two enemies have a combined fortress to the north of the lake that will require a considerable army to penetrate. \n\n Additional resouces can be garnered east and west of the lake, but if you do not focus enough on a navy the Spanish will be able to level your entire town with their ships.
61800 Aztecs
61801 CortΘz Navy
61802 CortΘz Army
61803 Tlaxcala
61804 1. Tenochtitlan is a vast city. However, there are multiple buildings of each type, so it should be easy to train units or research upgrades. \n\n 2. Defend the bridges into the great city from Spanish and Tlaxcalan land attacks, but also train ships to defend against Spanish warships and Transports. Spanish Cannon Galleons can be deadly.
61805 Defeat the Tlaxcala, the Spanish Army and the Spanish Navy.
61806 <GREEN>Aztec warrior: What are these strange weapons? A gift from the gods?
61808 Defeat the Tlaxcala, the Spanish Army, and the Spanish Navy. \n\n OPTIONAL: Prevent Tenochtitlan's Wonder from being destroyed in order to keep the morale of your troops high.
61809 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: The great pyramid has been destroyed. The gods will surely punish us for our insolence.
61810 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: We have done it! Tenochtitlan still stands and the armies of CortΘz are defeated. The Aztec Empire has triumphed!
61811 <BLUE>Spanish Conquistador: We have returned for the rest of your gold. Surrender now or feel the wrath of our bombards!
61812 <BLUE>Spanish Conquistador: You are postponing the inevitable. The time of the Aztec Empire has passed. Look to us as your new rulers.
61813 Your scouts report: The Aztecs (green) are back in control of the great city of Tenochtitlan but enemies are approaching from all sides. \n\n The Tlaxcalans (red) attack from the western causeway. Their city is not well-fortified and might fall to an early attack. \n\n The Spanish Navy is south of Tenochtitlan. The Spanish have many Cannon Galleons patrolling the lake and their shore is defended by Bombard Towers. It still might be possible to locate an undefended landing spot. \n\n The Spanish army is just to the north of Tenochtitlan. The Spanish have constructed gates and Castles to defend their forces. Expect to encounter Knights, Conquistadors, Missionaries, and Bombard Cannons. The Spanish will use Transports if they cannot attack from the land.
61814 <GREEN>Aztec Warrior: We demolished the southern causeway to slow the Spanish advance.
61900 Franks
61901 Berbers
61902 Moors
61903 1. The Moslems are attacking outlying Frankish farms. This will slow them down while you send for Charles Martel's army and build up your defenses. \n\n 2. The Berbers and Moors utilize inexpensive troops in combat. While Frankish Knights can defeat them, the Moslems spend fewer of their resources fielding armies. \n\n 3. You can click on signs for directions.
61904 Prevent the Moslems from destroying any of your 3 Town Centers. \n\n Capture the 6 Trade Carts in the Moors' baggage train and bring them to the Cathedral in Tours.
61905 Prevent the Moslems from destroying any of your 3 Town Centers.
61906 Capture the 6 Trade Carts in the Moors' baggage train and bring them to the Cathedral in Tours.
61907 <RED>Frankish Soldier: The Moslems have retreated from Frankish lands! We are victorious!
61908 <RED>Frankish Soldier: The Moslems are advancing slowly, but we will not have long before they are at the walls of Tours. Poitiers has fallen already.
61909 <RED>Frankish Soldier: The Moslems have destroyed one of our Town Centers. The rest of the city is sure to fall!
61910 <RED>Frankish Soldier: We have reached Poitiers! The Moslem baggage train is protected inside. If we can capture it, they will retreat back from whence they came.
61911 <RED>Frankish Soldier: We lost Charles Martel in battle today. The Franks may keep fighting, but their hearts are no longer in it.
61912 North to Tours
61913 West to Poitiers
61914 Now entering Poitiers
61915 Poitiers West Gate. No spitting.
61916 North - Tours; South - Poitiers
61917 Graveyard
61918 Tours, South Gate
61919 Sheep crossing
61920 Your scouts report: The Franks (red) defend the large city of Tours to the north. Charles Martel's army is to south of the city. \n\n There are two armies of Moslems; the Berbers (yellow) occupy the western edge of the map. They train Light Cavalry, swordsmen, and rams, but their town is not well-defended and could fall to an early attack. \n\n The Moors (green) have occupied the city of Poitiers to the southwest, making their army harder to defeat. They train Camels, Knights, and Scorpions, but will switch to Mamelukes given enough time.
61921 Since part of the Moslem baggage train has been lost, you will now need to defeat the Moslems.
62000 Erik the Red
62001 British
62002 Greenland
62003 Skraelings
62004 1. Resources in Norway will run out soon. You must colonize other lands to keep the Viking civilization prosperous. \n\n 2. Skalds tells of an ocean where worms eat away at the hulls of wooden ships. \n\n 3. The Vikings may advance only to the Castle Age.
62005 Transport Erik the Red west across the ocean to the New World and establish a colony there.
62006 The Vikings must build a Town Center, a Market, and 12 Houses in the New World.
62007 Erik the Red must survive.
62008 <RED>Viking: To build enough Longships for this journey, we'll need gold, and lots of it. There's plenty in the fishing villages of Britain for the taking.
62009 <RED>Viking: It has been a hard winter, and the wolves are hungry. We must protect our villages from their packs.
62010 <RED>Viking: Hear that howl? That one's the king of the wolves. He can take down an army of our Norsemen.
62011 <RED>Viking: The British keep their gold in these Markets. Burn all you can and carry the gold back to our ships.
62012 <RED>Viking: Legends have spoken of this place, the Sea of Worms! The waters here be alive and eager to chew through the hulls of our Longships. We should sail clear of this place, even if it means crossing Greenland by foot.
62013 <RED>Viking: So this be the Isle of Greenland. We should be able to find food and wood here to replenish our fleet.
62014 <RED>Viking: The New World! I claim it in the name of Erik the Red!
62015 <RED>Viking: Wild men live in these forests, callin' themselves the Skraelings. They don't have steel like ours, but they're fierce and they have numbers. It will be a long and bloody winter.
62016 <RED>Viking: The name of Erik the Red will never be forgotten as the first Viking in the New World!
62017 <RED>Viking: To establish our settlement here, we will need to construct a Town Center, a Market, and 12 Houses.
62018 <RED>Viking: Without Erik the Red, we will never reach the New World.
62019 <GREEN>Viking: You wish to see the Sea of Worms? Look upon it and despair!
62020 Your scouts report: The Vikings under Erik the Red (red) have few buildings and only a handful of Berserks to defend themselves from ravenous wolves. Although you are safe from attack for the moment, Vikings from Greenland may raid your shores. \n\n The British (blue) have little in the way of a standing army so they are ripe for raiding. \n\n Greenland (green) is more of a mystery, though it is known that the Vikings there have many Longships. \n\n A race of wildmen (purple) are rumored to live in the New World.
62100 Normans
62101 Harald Hardraade
62102 Saxon Navy
62103 Harold the Saxon
62104 1. While you prepare your army to invade England, be watchful of Saxon attacks into Normandy. \n\n 2. The Isle of Wight, along England's southern shore, is a safe staging ground for your invasion.
62105 Conquer England by destroying the Castle of Harold the Saxon (orange).
62106 OPTIONAL: Send Transports to the north to pick up Harald Hardraade's Viking Berserks.
62107 <AQUA>Harald Hardraade: William of Normandy, you and I have no quarrel. It's Harold the Saxon who's the enemy of us both. If you declare me an ally, I'll do likewise with thee.
62108 <ORANGE>Harold the Saxon: You Viking scum forget how to fight this far inland!
62109 <AQUA>Harald Hardraade: William! Old Harold the Saxon's smashed my forces at Stamford Bridge. My Vikings will keep fighting, but you'll have to come here and transport them across yourself.
62110 <ORANGE>Harold the Saxon: Go home, young William. This island will remain Saxon!
62111 <ORANGE>Harold the Saxon: Come down off those horses and see how Huskarls fight man to man!
62112 <BLUE>Norman Knight: The Saxons have the British Isles well fortified. We'll need to transport our Knights across the channel and use them to defend our builders. Norman Castles should hold back the Saxon tide both here and on Britain.
62113 <BLUE>Norman Knight: Harold the Saxon has taken to the seas. We can't let his navy control the English Channel or we'll never succeed in our invasion.
62114 <BLUE>Norman Knight: All hail William the Conqueror, King of England and Normandy!
62115 Your scouts report: The Normans (blue) have a large town established in France. Their lands should be free of enemy marauders, but Harold's Raiders (yellow) could attack at any moment. \n\n The Saxon Navy (red) will try to repel any Norman Transports or warships that threaten Harold's Army (orange). You can try to defeat the Saxon Navy's shipyards to the north and south before laying siege to Harold the Saxon's Castle near London. \n\n The Vikings under Harald Hardraade (cyan) are a wildcard. They are at war with Harold the Saxon, but can they be trusted?
62116 Harold's Raiders
62117 William the Conqueror must survive.
62200 Seljuks
62201 Cappadocia
62202 Pisidia
62203 Galatia
62204 Byzantine Army
62205 Saracens
62206 1. Your Turkish army has no villagers. In order to replenish your troops, you will need to rely on tributes from conquered Byzantine Themes (towns). \n\n 2. Do not destroy many buildings of the Byzantine Themes or you will have less to use once they are conquered. \n\n 3. This battle takes place centuries before the discovery of gunpowder. \n\n 4. Garrisoned Battering Rams are useful for taking out enemy gates and towers.
62207 Defeat the Byzantine army. \n\n Receive tributes from the Byzantine Themes (towns) by capturing their Town Centers.
62208 Defeat the Byzantine army.
62209 Receive tributes from the Theme of Cappadocia by capturing their Town Center.
62210 Receive tributes from the Theme of Pisidia by capturing their Town Center.
62211 Receive tributes from the Theme of Galatia by capturing their Town Center.
62212 OPTIONAL: Destroy the 4 Saracen towers so that your allies can mine their gold.
62213 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: Below us lie the many Themes of the Byzantines. We should capture all we can before facing the brunt of the Byzantine army.
62214 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: We can capture this by destroying the towers protecting it. Then the villagers will produce gold for the Turks!
62215 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: With this gold, we can train many more horse archers.
62216 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: We have captured Cappadocia. As long as their villagers are safe, we should have all the resources we need.
62217 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: This town will produce gold coin for us now, as long as we can keep the Byzantines from taking it back.
62218 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: Those Cataphracts pack quite a punch. Better to fire and retreat than face them toe-to-toe.
62219 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: The Byzantine army is fortified atop this plateau. We must be patient until we have the troops we need to conquer it.
62220 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: Pisidia is now ours.
62221 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: The Theme of Galatia shall submit to Turkish rule!
62222 <PURPLE>Seljuk Rider: Manzikert has fallen! The Byzantines will be forced to withdraw to Constantinople, and all of Anatolia shall belong to the Turks.
62223 <RED>Cappadocia Villager: Turks! Pouring out of the Zagros Mountains! They'll spare no one!
62224 <YELLOW>Galatia Villager: We surrender! Just spare our families!
62225 Your scouts report: The Seljuk Turk army (purple) is far from home and does not have the resources to construct a base. You can, however, train additional units. \n\n Additional resources and buildings can be gained by conquering the three Byzantine Themes (towns) of Cappadocia, Pisidia, and Galatia and the Saracen (cyan) gold mines. However, you must defeat -- not conquer -- the Byzantine army. \n\n The Byzantine Themes rely largely on walls and towers for defenses. The Byzantine Army is a different story. You can expect to combat Cataphracts, Monks, and the famous Roman Legions.
62226 --Imperial Age research complete.--
62300 Henry V
62301 French Knights
62302 Voyeni
62303 Amiens
62304 Frevent
62305 Harfleur
62306 1. Because you are in enemy lands, cut off from supplies, you will be unable to establish a town or train new units. You must survive with your initial army. \n\n 2. Since you lack resources, converting enemy villagers will serve only to let you repair siege weapons.
62307 King Henry V must return home to England.
62308 OPTIONAL: Destroy the University in Voyeni (green) to recover and learn from the great texts stored there.
62309 OPTIONAL: Destroy the Blacksmith in Amiens (cyan) to recover armor and weapons.
62310 King Henry V must survive.
62311 <RED>English Soldier: We'll see how these French knights stand up to English Longbows!
62312 <RED>English Soldier: My King, the siege of Harfleur is lost! We should withdraw before our casualties are too grave!
62313 <RED>English Soldier: The French will undoubtedly harry our retreat -- we must make haste to a Transport that our King Henry will once again see beloved England!
62314 <RED>English Soldier: It is as I feared -- this bridge has been destroyed.
62315 <RED>English Soldier: We may just be able to slip between these cliffs and the walls of Voyeni. However, Voyeni is known for its learning -- perhaps we can recover something from the University there.
62316 <RED>English Soldier: We have recovered Greek Fire -- let us apply it to our arrows and rain fire on the French!
62317 <RED>English Soldier: Those are the gates that protect Amiens. The town is known for its smithing -- we could try to recover some of their handiwork from the Blacksmith there.
62318 <RED>English Soldier: We have recovered armor for our swordsmen, knights and archers, as well as fine blades and arrowheads!
62319 <RED>English Soldier: The nearby town of Frevent is quiet and peaceful; we should be able to rest here, but not for too long.
62320 <RED>English Soldier: The Castle of Agincourt lies down this road. We will likely face many French Knights. The fighting will be fierce!
62321 <RED>English Soldier: Quickly now, my King, board and set sail for beloved England.
62322 <RED>English Soldier: England! A sweet sight! King Henry is almost home!
62323 <RED>English Soldier: Voyeni is known for its learning -- perhaps we can recover something from the University here.
62324 <RED>English Soldier: King Henry has fallen! We have failed our King! We shall pay with our blood!
62325 <RED>English Soldier: A Trebuchet! If we could capture it, the Castle of Agincourt will pose little danger!
62326 <RED>English Soldier: Excellent! The French will regret allowing this to fall into our hands!
62327 <RED>English Soldier: North along the road, men! North and then west to the Docks!
62328 <BLUE>French Knight: Come down here in the mud and you will see how the French knights fight!
62329 <RED>Henry V: If we are mark'd to die, we are enow to do our country's loss; and if to live, the fewer men, the greater share of honor.
62330 <RED>Henry V: Today is Saint Crispian's day, and every year from now on you will be able to show your scars and say that you were here with me on Saint Crispian's day. He today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.
62331 Your scouts report: The English (red) must navigate or conquer several French towns before they can return home. Harfleur (purple) is in the southwest, Amiens (cyan) is atop a cliffed plateau in the south, Voyeni (green) is in the center of the area, Frevent (yellow) is to the southeast, and French Knights (blue) roam the north. \n\n England lies to the northwest, across the English channel. You will need Transports to reach it. \n\n Bridges are out or heavily fortified down most of the length of the River Somme, but there may be an undefended crossing further southeast.
62332 Acquire a Transport Ship in order to send Henry V home to England.
62333 Optional: Break through the enclosure around the French Knights' trebuchet and capture it for the English.
62400 Don Juan
62401 Turks
62402 Greek Village
62403 1. Do not use all of your villagers to construct the Wonder. You will need some to gather resources and to repair walls, towers, and ships. \n\n 2. It is very difficult to go offensive against the Turkish fleet. Concentrate on defenses instead. \n\n 3. Greek isles hold additional resources, if you can defend them& .
62404 Complete and then defend your Wonder from the Turkish navy for 200 years.
62405 OPTIONAL: Tribute the Greeks (green) 800 gold so they will ally with you.
62406 <RED>Spanish Navy: There's hundreds of Turkish ships out there. We don't have the numbers to go offensive, so we should just keep their Galleons and Transports at bay.
62407 <RED>Spanish Navy: Turkish Transports! Don't let them land!
62408 <RED>Spanish Navy: The Wonder is in jeopardy! Save it if you can!
62409 <RED>Spanish Navy: It is dangerous to sail too far into the jaws of the Turkish fleet. We're better off patrolling our own shores.
62410 <RED>Spanish Navy: Our Fire Ships will sink the Turkish fleet to the bottom of the Ionian Sea!
62411 <RED>Spanish Navy: The Wonder is complete. Now we just need to defend it.
62412 <RED>Spanish Navy: Why did our brilliant leaders insist on building the Wonder so close to the shoreline?
62413 <GREEN>Greek Villager: I do not think we would fare well under Turkish rule. If you tribute to us 800 gold, we will ally with you instead.
62414 <GREEN>Greek Villager: Ah, it is prudent for us to join forces againt the Turks. You may mine gold from our villagers or islands and we will tribute you what we can spare.
62415 Your scouts report: Don Juan's Spanish and Italian fleet (red) has abandoned the sea to build a Wonder on the beach. \n\n They must defend it from the warships and Transports of Ottoman Turks (purple). The Turks use a variety of different ships, including Cannon Galleons, and will attempt to transport Janissaries and Bombard Cannons across the sea. However, quick counterattacks against the Turks may slow their progress. \n\n The Greek villages (green) are caught in the middle of the battle, but might join you if presented with the right opportunity.
62500 Hideyoshi
62501 Osaka
62502 Kyoto
62503 Nobunaga
62504 Hyogo
62505 1. Some of your Samurai are in Kyoto with Lord Nobunaga. They will not be able to escape on their own, but they can attempt to protect Nobunaga. \n\n 2. Defeat the garrison at Osaka and establish your own town in its place. Do not wantonly destroy buildings, or you will have to rebuild much once you capture Osaka. \n\n 3. Although a direct assault on Kyoto can be succesful, sneak attacks may yield fewer casualties. \n\n 4. Rebel Monks in Kyoto are actively searching for Relics. Do not allow them such a victory!
62506 Your lord, Nobunaga, is trapped in Kyoto. You must rescue him to restore his honor.
62507 Establish a base from which to attack Kyoto.
62508 Destroy all 3 of Kyoto's Castles to punish them for the murder of Lord Nobunaga.
62509 <YELLOW>Nobunaga's Sailor: Prepare to disembark on enemy shores.
62510 <AQUA>Hideyoshi's Soldier: Lord Nobunaga is in Kyoto. We must rescue him to restore his honor.
62511 <YELLOW>Nobunaga's Sailor: We will send in saboteurs to open that wall.
62512 <AQUA>Hideyoshi's Soldier: The rebels in Kyoto have executed Lord Nobunaga! They will pay for this offense with their lives. Leave no Castle standing!
62513 <AQUA>Hideyoshi's Soldier: We have captured the enemy Town Center.
62514 <AQUA>Hideyoshi's Soldier: We have captured enemy bombards.
62515 <AQUA>Hideyoshi's Soldier: Lord Hideyoshi has cast down another enemy. Soon, all of Japan will be unified under a single leader and we can be done with these civil wars forever!
62516 <AQUA>Hideyoshi's Soldier: This village will be causing us no more grief.
62517 Your scouts report: Hideyoshi's forces (cyan) begin on board Lord Nobunaga's ships. After you invade Osaka, you will need to quickly neutralize resistance and establish a base. \n\n There are three enemies in this region. Osaka (red) has walls and Castles, but has a small standing army. Hyogo (blue) is a relatively small village. An early strike can eliminate this threat, but Hyogo will eventually attack with infantry, archers and Samurai if allowed to build unchecked. \n\n Kyoto (green) is the most dangerous enemy, as the city is well-defended and there are many Spearmen, Samurai and Knights defending the Castles. Kyoto may also build a navy if given the opportunity.
62518 Nobunaga's Castle in Kyoto
62600 Koreans
62601 Japanese Navy
62602 Chinese
62603 Admiral Yi
62604 Japanese Raiders
62605 1. Defend the Wonder if you can, but you can achieve victory without it. \n\n 2. The Japanese navy is superior to the Koreans. You will need to figure out some way to even the odds. \n\n 3. The Koreans are unable to construct Castles or train some of their most powerful units, at least initially.
62606 Defend Korea from the Japanese. \n\n OPTIONAL: Prevent the Japanese from destroying Korea's Wonder.
62607 Defend Korea from the Japanese.
62608 OPTIONAL: Prevent the Japanese from destroying Korea's Wonder.
62609 Destroy all of the Japanese Docks to end their threat to Korea.
62610 Find Admiral Yi and learn of his secret weapon.
62611 Use Turtle Ships to defeat the Japanese navy.
62612 <RED>Korean Sailor: Korea is free once again!
62613 <RED>Korean Soldier: We cannot drive off the repeated attacks of these Japanese warships. We must seek aid from Admiral Yi Sun Shin. Rumor has it that he has been working on a secret weapon.
62614 <RED>Korean Soldier: With these Turtle Ships, we will send every Japanese ship to the bottom of the sea! We should build as many as we can.
62615 <RED>Korean Sailor: Our coast is now rid of Japanese marauders, but they could return in the future. We should sail to Japan and destroy all of the Japanese Docks.
62616 <ORANGE>Chinese Chu Ko Nu: Admiral Yi, we can assist you in driving off the Japanese raiders, but you will have to transport us across the sea.
62617 Your scouts report: Korea (red) has an extensive town, but is vulnerable to the Japanese navy, particularly its Cannon Galleons. \n\n Expect Japan (yellow) to attack with everything they have, including ships and Samurai on Transports. You will need to play defensively until you have the means to bring the battle back to the Japanese homeland. \n\n Two potential allies may be found. Admiral Yi (green) is a brilliant Korean tactician who will certainly assist, provided you can locate him. \n\n The Chinese (orange) are no friends of Korea, but they may fear the Japanese even more. Might they be of assistance?